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Egyptian pea

  1. Asiatic herb cultivated for its short pods with one or two edible seeds

How To Use Egyptian pea In A Sentence

  • Gaza was populated mainly by Egyptian peasants who evaded the Turkish prohibition on entry, Roumanian gypsy slaves of Maronite priests in Sinai, and latterly Turkish=Muslim peasants transferred from the Balkans after the Treaty of Berlin handed Ottoman holdings in what came to be known as Croatia to the Habsburgs in 1878. The Volokh Conspiracy » Palestinians of African Descent:
  • The canal was indeed built by what amounted to slavery, the forced labour (corvee) of the Egyptian peasants being enforced by the rawhide whip of the overseers (courbash). Flashman on the March
  • Egyptian peasants continued to keep pigs as late as 1350 bc, and pork was allowed as food on certain holy days.
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