How To Use Ecuadoran In A Sentence
- During the fighting, a Palestinian sniper shot and killed an Ecuadoran volunteer who was working in a potato field at an Israeli Kibbutz (communal farm) about 100 meters from the Gaza border.
- Americans Mike Conway and Andy Macfarlane and Ecuadoran geochemist Luis LeMarie were going to insert temperature probes, known as thermocouples, into the fumaroles.
- In the sierra, and especially in villages, Ecuadoran Catholic practice centers around fiestas honoring the various saints' days of the Christian year.
- Ecuadoran citizens are not extraditable and that would cause a lot of problems if they were not present for the hearing and the trial.
- Ecuadorans in the costa play a musical style closely related to the coastal Colombian cumbia style, with strong Afro-Caribbean influences.