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ease up

  1. become less intense
  2. move in order to make room for someone for something
    `Move over,' he told the crowd
    The park gave way to a supermarket
  3. reduce pressure or intensity
    he eased off the gas pedal and the car slowed down

How To Use ease up In A Sentence

  • If road deaths decrease you don't ease up on road safety.
  • The Fed next week is set to release updated economic forecasts that Mr. Bernanke said should be "reasonably consistent" with private-sector forecasts, which is to say gloomier than the Fed's last public forecast. Bernanke Open to a Sizable Rate Cut
  • O'Connor said the symptoms usually persist for a few days and then ease up.
  • He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.
  • Asian markets were mixed after the Federal Reserve chief hinted the bank could ease up on its stimulus taper if the growth outlook weakens.
  • Only from bar 72 with the transition into the coda can you ease up slightly on the tempo, with a marked smorzando in bar 75 and a poco rallentando in bar 80.
  • Ask the children on the end to ease up ; some more people want to sit down.
  • In the rare moments when the self-reproach would ease up, grief or dejection would engulf him.
  • I think you should ease up on the kids a bit.
  • As he got older, he started to ease up a little.
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