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  1. 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946)

How To Use Dubya In A Sentence

  • Not by fire-breathing communist fanatics and demagogues of the Guevara-Mao type, but by true-blue conservative dumbos sprung from blue-rinsed matrons like Dubya Bush ...... On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Who doesn't moisten at the thought of Dubya fingering the big red button lifestyler.
  • He is set to inherit, come January 2009, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1920s; the complete and bloody mess Bush and his cronies have made of Iraq, and Afghanistan; a health service which, in the world's biggest democracy, is an absolute disgrace of inequality and poor or non-existent provision; and, a view of the US internationally which could not be more damning or dire and yet, until now, under Dubya's two-term misrule, was entirely justified on grounds of the outgoing administration's inexhaustible arrogance and insane 'go it alone and to hell with the rest of you' policies. British Blogs
  • Previously, on The Twelve: In the waning days of (the Marvel Universe version of) Dubya Dubya Two, nearly all the extant costumed heroes descended upon Berlin to take down the Nazis, and in so doing grab a piece of the glory andhave an “I was there” story when they got old and grey. The Twelve #2 (of 12) | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • | Reply | Permalink that's exactly what cohen was trying to do when he pretended to play dumb and reinvent the term neoliberal to smear bush and all of his disasters including iraq. never mind that iraq was a neoconservative misadventure. never mind that neoliberal has an actual meaning. neoconservative has the word conservative in it so it's too troubling to condemn it let alone use it as a criticism. but hey, neoliberal has the word liberal in it so let's use that instead. the republicans have so much invested in their campaign to make 'liberal' a negative, it makes sense. but dubya strikes me as egomaniacal in his desire to have history look back worshipfully on him as a president. i can't imagine if republicans push this 'bush is a liberal' crap that bush will be able to stop himself from pushing back from the bully pulpit. Election Central Debate Roundup
  • Putting aside for the moment my surprise that Dubya even knows the meaning of the word "foment," I think a GOP talking point i.e., what Tony Snow will say will be that Dubya said Friedman could be right, not that he actually was right. Iraq: officially a quagmire
  • It's this kind of gullibility that gave us "Dubya". Hagel criticizes McCain over Iran comments
  • Republicans (and some "Blue Dog" democrats) are wholly bought by these corporate interests who are fighting tooth in nail with outright lies, delays, and alliance with people whose real agenda is to hope America fails so that a white republican like Gee Dubya Bush can re-take power and continue our descent into the irrational and ruinous. Democrat: We don't need 'socialized' heath care reform
  • Here's a contest we should start: Which will occur first, McCain admitting he has recurrence of melanoma, Laura divorcing Dubya, or Palin being arrested on corruption charges? Archive 2009-01-01
  • Some interesting Dubya-only pronunciations, which may also explain the usage of "instill" instead of "install", West Point, New York, Dec. 9, 2008 Fresh Dubya RSS Feed
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