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  1. a generic name for digital lines that are provided by telephone companies to their local subscribers and that carry data at high speeds

How To Use DSL In A Sentence

  • For high-definition video, the umi needs an Internet connection that can send, or upload, data at 1.5 megabits per second, higher than that of typical DSL or cable services. Cisco Launches 'Umi' Telepresence Box To Turn TVs Into Videophones
  • An SDK component is also part of DSL with a piece of software that developers interact with is a local web server called Chiron.
  • I started having cracke noises in my buenos aires landline when I added DSL. A Dying Landline Business Sounds a Lot Like Static
  • I think maybe the key is emphasizing Stages 2 and 3 of Maudsley, so insurers don't see it only as a cheap way to refeed anorexics. Is Maudsley cheaper?
  • Last year hundreds of deaths were caused by similar floods and landslides near Rio. Times, Sunday Times
  • Preliminary analysis: death from overdose of coldsleep drugs, combined with oxygen starvation and dehydration when cocoon failed to properly deploy. The City Who Fought
  • Emergency workers arrived at the scene to be confronted by the enormous size of the landslide and hundreds of homeless families. Times, Sunday Times
  • He talked about landslides in previous monsoons that had opened gaping chasms in the cliff behind the village.
  • The village has been buffeted by mudflows, landslides, river debris, flooding and earthquakes.
  • Almost a year has passed since one of the worst landslides recorded in Scotland wreaked devastation at Glen Ogle, near Stirling.
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