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drift off

  1. change from a waking to a sleeping state
    he always falls asleep during lectures

How To Use drift off In A Sentence

  • The happiest day of my life finally draws to a close and I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
  • But for now we drift off, snug in our bed.
  • If you have an agitated mind, the tension in your body is not going to let you drift off.
  • So pick the one that suits you, get a title downloaded, and drift off into good-book bliss. Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • Change your body temperature. Your body drops in temperature as you drift off into sleep.
  • People began to talk among themselves, others to drift off.
  • I can't remember any one night when I lost that ability to drift off, but by the age of seven I would regularly be pacing my room until dawn.
  • The problem is that the meaning of a sentence tends to drift off into what linguists would call the Indeterminate Adverbial Phrase.
  • She was just starting to drift off, when she heard a scream downstairs.
  • How are you going to make use of your most creative time if it turns out to be while you're commuting, during your workout, or as you drift off to sleep.
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