How To Use dress suit In A Sentence
- The Night Stalker was wearing a slick all-white dress suit and matching knee-high boots. Forgotten geekdom: The Five Best Intellivision Games You Forgot About
- If you want a spell able, strong feelings, then select a black stripes delicate dress suits, match on one of the high-end handbags,[Sentence dictionary] beige and female elegant demeanor supervisor.
- Among the items we find a green half-trimmed frock and breeches, lined with silk; a queen’s blue dress suit; a half dress suit of ratteen, lined with satin; a pair of silk stocking breeches, and another pair of bloom color. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
- Dress suitable for agriculture such as overalls, shirts, and boots is popular.
- The young men were not expected to have evening "togs" in their runabout traps, but they did have some really good-looking, fresh, summer flannels that made them appear just as well dressed and much better looking than some of the "swells" in their regular dress suits. The Motor Girls Through New England or, Held by the Gypsies
- His dress suited his pretensions -- the soft rich broadcloth which tailors called doeskin, and linen of a fineness rare outside the eastern cities. The Path of the King
- A submissive orchestra dictated to by a spectacled man with frowsy hair and a dress suit, industriously followed the bobs of his head and the waves of his baton.
- On the day of this dinner he had delivered to Goldsmith a half-dress suit of ratteen lined with satin, costing twelve guineas, a pair of silk stocking-breeches for L2 5_s. and a pair of bloom-coloured ditto for L1 4_s. 6_d. Samuel Johnson
- To making a half-dress suit of ratteen, lined with satin 12 12 0 To a pair of silk stocking breeches 2 5 0 To a pair of bloom-coloured ditto 1 4 6 Life Of Johnson
- To making a half-dress suit of ratteen, lined with satin 12 12 0 Life of Johnson, Volume 2 1765-1776