How To Use Drawknife In A Sentence
DRYING AND SHAPING Pare the green stave with a hatchet and a drawknife so that it's slightly larger than the shape of your intended design.
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
Likewise, Mr. Townsend's hog-skinning machinery mechanized a process that formerly had been done by hand, by a worker with a drawknife skinning a ham held in a kind of vice.
Inventor Had Relish for Hot Dog Making
If you've never done woodwork like this bow project, chances are you don't have a drawknife.
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
A carving horse where the grandfather had been when they came into the yard held a split billet of ash he had been working with a drawknife.
Temple of the Winds
These are the poems of a man with eyes like a drawknife, hands like a pickpocket's hands, woven of water and logic and hunger, with no strand of love in them.
Selected Poems by Robert Bringhurst

To work these, you will need a straight edge, pencil, saw, hand rasp and/or drawknife and/or spokeshave, sandpaper.
Secure the stave in a vise and shave off the bark and sapwood with a drawknife to expose one unbroken summer growth ring along the back (bark side; photo B).
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
With heartwoods, you must shave off the bark and white sapwood with a drawknife to reach the darker, denser wood beneath.
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
Reduce the stave to your outline with a drawknife, rasp, and file (making sure not to cut into the growth ring atop the back of the bow).
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
The curve of the legs can be cut with a bracket saw or a drawknife, care being taken to get the edges square and smooth.
Mission Furniture How to Make It, Part 2
Other items found were a scissors-shaped candle snuffer used to trim wick, parts of a flintlock pistol, flatware, a coat button, an ornamental andiron, and a drawknife that may be part of a set of cooper's tools listed in a 1732 inventory of the Madisons 'property.
Boyhood Home
Around 1500 the Woodlands Indians of northeastern North America, who had been using stone tools, were introduced to iron by French traders and with it they produced an improved drawknife known as a mocotaugan.