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drainage area

  1. the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet
    flood control in the Missouri basin

How To Use drainage area In A Sentence

  • Sewerage cutting project of Shenzhen reservoir drainage area was appraised'shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award
  • MARK WILLIAMS, NEWS DIRECTOR, WNDB NEWSTALK 1150: Several weeks ago, the Orange County Sheriff ` s Department held what they have -- and I ` m going to put in quote -- a "training exercise" in what we call a drainage area or a drainage pond near the Anthony home. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2008
  • The sink-under-counter style of installation, common in Brazil, provides a clean look and allows a broad drainage area.
  • Materials needed to assemble your terrarium include gravel for drainage; sphagnum moss to keep the soil from sifting into the drainage area; potting mix without fertilizer; and accessories like gravel, miniature animals — whatever items that add a touch of whimsy to your terrarium. Terrarium Day at Sugar Creek « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The map, the hypsometric and hydrographic data, the geologic sections and geologic data, the photographs, ethnography, and indeed about all the first information concerning the drainage area in question were the results of the labours of the second expedition. A Canyon Voyage The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land, in the Years 1871 and 1872
  • Poor drainage areas are most notable in the lands underlain by older metamorphic rocks of the Klamath Mountains to the south.
  • Other house fly breeding areas include feed storage areas, the drainage area of haylage or silage piles, and any other places where spilled feed or manure accumulations are allowed to become moist.
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