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[ US /ˈdaʊɫənd/ ]
  1. English lutenist and composer of songs for the lute (1563-1626)

How To Use Dowland In A Sentence

  • Hedgerows and their wildlife are integral with the meadowland in which they originated.
  • First, there's an intriguing story, with a fantasy world split between humans and inhumans, and two interweaving plot lines that slip between the pastoral realms of the former and the harsh shadowlands of the latter.
  • Adebayor inhabits a shadowland and Balotelli speaks as if he were the victim of an elaborate kidnap plot hatched in Manchester. Roberto Mancini's scrap merchants show mettle to back up title hopes | Paul Hayward
  • Away with these self-loving lads (John Dowland). Secular. Lute song. Lute.
  • Billy helped Tinguely scavenge dumps and junkyards in the New Jersey Meadowlands for the motors and wheels and other detritus that would compose his giant kinetic heap.
  • It seems almost ungallant to say this now, since she is being so pleasant and open, but I recall meeting her 10 years ago on the set of Shadowlands, when she insisted on doing her interview standing up and in the open air.
  • It's the shadowland of sex and fame, the alternative world for those who can't act or can't wait.
  • Scattered over the meadowland are three small pavilions, made, like the museum, with rusted steel plates over steel frames.
  • It takes four solid years of overdubs, rewrites, and revisions - not to mention several label dalliances - to finish their third album, The Meadowlands.
  • The meadowland was inundated by heavy floods.
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