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  1. having sagging folds of flesh beneath the chin or lower jaw

How To Use double-chinned In A Sentence

  • The only animation in the marquise's rotund and double-chinned face, as she loosens her lips into a perfunctory smile, is to be found in her alert eyes as she looks up from her embroidery.
  • Yet why should not the solemn visaged, double-chinned phoca partake of one of the most universal habits of animal life -- the love of frolic? The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
  • But an exhibition of saucy seaside postcards aims to take visitors back to an era when naughty was nice, fat women were funny, blondes were dumb and all mothers-in-law were double-chinned tyrants with nagging daughters.
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