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  1. the residue of partially burnt tobacco left caked in the bowl of a pipe after smoking

How To Use dottle In A Sentence

  • 'But what for hearken to the havers o' a dottled auld wife? 'he said to himself, pondering as he walked home. Robert Falconer
  • Senator Lieberman is a voice of reason in all of this; and, that he does not agree with every tit and dottle of the anti-war progressive element now rightly or wrongly on the ascendent in the democrat party should not be used to deny him reelection. Think Progress » Coulter Derides Call For New Iraq Strategy, Endorses Lieberman Approach
  • He had attempted to cut the Gordian knot by giving up the cleaning of his pipe, but this had resulted in the inhalation of indescribably repellent, ferociously bitter, and appallingly slimy gobbets of cold dottle. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Her father had been a souter and a pawky chiel enough, but was doited for many years, and her mother was sair dottled. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • Both shoes froze for fully half an instant, then leaped up and turned over to dump out the dottle. Stork Naked
  • She poked at the dottle in her pipe with a small silver-plated knife. A Corpse is a Corpse
  • In the subsequent smokes the ashes, "dottle," were saved, being placed in Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895-1896, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1898, pages 519-744
  • Of the few souvenirs of her father, dug from the ruins, there remained his pipe, and this she stuck between her teeth as he had done, inhaling the faded traces of tarry dottle, and impressing the stem with the indentations of her own teeth over the marks of his. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • He turned it over and knocked the dottle neatly out against the edge of the porch. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Dottle's not only a sailor and kayaker but also a naturalist who has studied ornithology, hydrology, ‘and a bunch of other ologies,’ he says with a smile.
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