- an ornamental hanging of rich fabric hung behind the altar of a church or at the sides of a chancel
How To Use dossal In A Sentence
- When viewing voting constituencies, the most dossal and inactive people are found among the retired military members and their dependents. NewsByUs
- And the Earl's old hawk, with its feathers all stiff and sparse, perched on the dossal of the Earl's chair and the floor was pranked with rushes and sweet herbs -- the first of the spring; and Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 05
- I am indebted to Dot Wordsworth's Spectator column for drawing my attention to the wondrous vocabulary of church furnishings - ‘dossals and paenula-shaped chasubles, footpaces and tables of prothesis’.
- Leaning heavily upon the lady, at the end he won to her maiden's chamber, where there was a fair bed covered with a rich dossal of broidered silk, edged with fur. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
- These dossals have both been cut down at either end; they each most likely had two extra figures of saints.
- The tall ladder was set up, the long white dossals were hung.
- Constantine Fighting the Lion" from a twelve-piece set, plus baldachin with dossal, of the Story of Constantine Design and cartoon by Pietro da Cortona, ca. 1636 'Tapestry in the Baroque: Threads of Splendor'
- After this, he painted the dossal of S. Cosimo and S. Damiano in the Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 02 (of 10), Berna to Michelozzo Michelozzi
- The dossals were decorated with pictures and stories of the saints, which had an educational as well as devotional function.
- It was made ready, its stage transformed into a sanctuary and choir, an altar erected with dossals and riddles, hanging crucifix and candles.