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How To Use Dorothy parker In A Sentence

  • And as an editor there he got to kibitz and tipple with the likes of Dorothy Parker, Stephen Vincent Benet and P.G. Woodhouse.
  • Dorothy Parker wrote for the New Yorker and Vanity Fair magazines with a caustic pen, but her biting wit also had a mournful edge.
  • The landmark hotel, where famed wit Dorothy Parker and fellow literary lights at the Round Table imbibed , offers a $10,000 martini, complete with a loose diamond at the bottom.
  • Porter moved gracefully among poetic meters – iambic, trochaic, anapestic – and at his best is as funny as such titans of light verse as Ogden Nash and Dorothy Parker. Cole Porter in the Summer, When It Sizzles — If They Say That These Lyrics Heinous, Kick Them Right in the Coriolanus « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • And as an editor there he got to kibitz and tipple with the likes of Dorothy Parker, Stephen Vincent Benet and P.G. Woodhouse.
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  • After the party jams, so mindless they make your typical frat kegger seem like something passed down from Dorothy Parker, there's some even worse crap that attempts to be socially conscious because the Black Eyed Peas do that sometimes I guess? Fourfour:
  • The show is a delightful, gin-soaked celebration of the work of Dorothy Parker, legendary American critic, columnist and queen of caustic wit.
  • F-Word Brenda, as she's known wherever the ghosts of Dorothy Parker and George S. Kaufman take tea, recalls the mortifying experience of promoting her memoir The Nearly Departed, a succession of embarrassments certain to give any writer a sympathetic shudder. The Plinth and the Pauper (mildly updated): James Wolcott
  • At least through the end of the month - after which, I'll be the Valleywag both here and on Gawker. com, and Paul will no doubt return to his Meet Leah Culver and her circle of ex-boyfriends Programming Django isn't quite the same as dropping Dorothy Parker quips at lushed-out parties, but Pownce cofounder Gawker
  • Rod, in your increasingly muddle-headed thrashing about, you're becoming like some latter-day Dorothy Parker without the fag-holder. smog Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • So what if she lost out on playing Scarlett O'Hara to Vivien Leigh; and so what if Dorothy Parker remarked, uncharitably but unforgettably, that Hepburn ‘ran the gamut of emotion from A to B’?

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