How To Use Doorpost In A Sentence
Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.
And when I looked back he was leaning against his doorpost, his head in his hands, as if he'd just lost his nearest and dearest.
He fired point-blank at the grinning skull resting against the doorpost.
I've banged into the doorpost and hurt my arm.
I saw that many of the doorposts had an engraving of the lion of Judah on the top.

The door in front of his desk was open, but the entrance was blocked by yellow tape that stretched across the doorposts.
The tension drained from her, and she sagged limply against the front doorpost.
But the tearful lover, turned away from her door, often smothers the threshold with flowers and garlands, and anoints the proud doorposts with marjoram, and plants kisses, poor wretch, on the door.
And you shall inscribe them on the doorposts of your home and gates.
The doorposts of royalty had elaborate carvings.
We literally post the Word of God on our doorposts.
She was a cantankerous old dear and as deaf as a doorpost, but we had always been on friendly terms, and I had never quarrelled with her.
These rods can serve as surrogates for doorposts (‘lechis,’ or vertical posts) that would render the continuous utility poles a symbolic wall or border.
I leaned against a doorpost and shook with laughter, drawing alarmed looks from the other guests.
One is reminded of the _mezuzoth_, the metallic or wooden cases, attached to the doorposts of their houses by the Jews, and which originally served a similar purpose.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
Shema is contained in the mezuzah we affix to the doorpost of our home, and in the tefillin that we bind to our arm and head.
`Somebody coming," said the guardian-angel from its perch by the doorpost.
A well-known example of this sort of ceremony is the Hebrew _pesah_ (the old lamb ceremony, later combined with the agricultural festival of unleavened bread, at the time of the first harvest, the two together then constituting the passover); here the doorposts and lintel of every house were sprinkled with the blood of a slain lamb by the master of the house, [291] and the hostile spirits hovering in the air were thus prevented from entering.
Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
But every Jewish building has, of course, a tell-tale identifying sign: a mezuzah on the right-hand doorpost.
But the tearful lover, turned away from her door, often smothers the threshold with flowers and garlands, and anoints the proud doorposts with marjoram, and plants kisses, poor wretch, on the door.
A mezuzah was affixed to the doorpost of the home.
Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.
We marked our doorposts with blood of the Korban Pesach (paschal lamb), we ate the lamb and had the first Passover seder.
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But the tearful lover, turned away from her door, often smothers the threshold with flowers and garlands, and anoints the proud doorposts with marjoram, and plants kisses, poor wretch, on the door.
North made this argument, that because of the doorpost's structure, that this was an indication of hymenal blood from the marriage bed, and tied it into what Rushdoony called this 'fertility cult' mentality.
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One example - out of many - is his discussion of the mezuzah, a small capsule attached to the doorposts of Jewish homes containing a piece of vellum with verses from the Book of Deuteronomy.
With her silent calm, his sister-in-law sighed, leaning against the doorpost.
It was later alleged that her thumbprint was found on a doorpost at the murder scene.
On the doorpost of every Jewish home rests a mezuzah.
Basic Halacha of putting up a mezuza and which doorposts need them and which do not
Call for submissions — Mezuza zine | Jewschool
The doors to the palace swing open wide with a tremendous echoing boom of bronze against the wooden doorposts.
The central door in the east portico with its fasciated doorposts attached to three-quarter columns with flutings
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But I'd always look away from the sparkling party and see a thin girl leaning on the doorpost, her eyes hidden under shadows and watching me with a longing gaze.
As he waited for someone to answer the bell, he leaned his head against the doorpost, almost asleep on his feet.
Their home is adorned with the usual Jewish accessories, including a large mezuza affixed to the doorpost.
Man in the Middle
There is a rectangular building with surviving stone doorposts on the south side.
And write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.
Only a bit of string looped round a nail in the doorpost held it shut.
The squabble about holiday decor unfolded just a few doors down from the site of a historic quarrel about religious symbols that started five years ago, when leaders of Shoreline Towers condominiums removed the mezuza from the doorpost of an elderly resident, citing the building's ban on door-front displays.
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He shrugs, leaning his tall figure against the doorpost.
The owner of the small candle shop next to the mayor's office across the street was not there so Sir John nailed the tax notice to the doorpost on the front of the small building.
Perhaps, as I like to imagine, it's still there on the doorpost, listening to the prayers of the next person who moved into Room 303.
We all filed out of the room, kissing the mezuzah on the doorpost as we left.
Cruickshank, the dachshund, nosed his way around the doorpost, between Katherine's ankles and curled up on a rumpled, moulting hearth-rug.
He leaned against the doorpost watching her.
He leaned against the doorpost, and looked at me sadly.