How To Use Donatist In A Sentence
- Select quotations from Augustine's anti-Donatist writings enabled some medieval canonists to make him look as if he were justifying the stern measures against heretics adopted in the later middle ages.
- Blaming them is to forget that Augustine called the Donatists brothers, and encouraged his congregation to do the same.
- He says that calling someone a "Donatist" or a "gnostic" doesn't engage the issues at stake and doesn't win arguments. A faithful five for Sunday - BatesLine
- At the time of the Pelagian controversy, Augustine was already successful in defending orthodoxy and having the Donatist and Manichean sects declared heresies. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
- Augustine writĩg againste the donatistes dothe ĩ manye places notablie intreate ãd hãdle this sentẽce of the psalme. A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful by Peter Martyr; Wherunto is Added A Sermon made of the Confessing of Christ and His Gospel and of the Denying of the sam
- Augustine thought that the Donatists could not plausibly claim to be the one true Catholic Church when they were in communion with ‘neither Rome nor Jerusalem’.
- The Donatists believed that those Priests who had betrayed their faith during the time of persecution were not fit to be clergy without a re-baptism and lengthy penance. Bring Back Donatism! | Heretical Ideas Magazine
- It was named after a Bishop called Donatus, and was known as the Donatist heresy. Anglican Mainstream
- The brother hl 2040 toner cartridge unnerving reassuringly donatist to the carduus of all megathere sheepcote with the kyrgyzstan of navigational blanketed midstream. Rational Review
- He became bishop of Hippo (396) and was engaged in constant theological controversy, combating Manichaeans, Donatists, and Pelagians.