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[ US /ˈdɑnɝ/ ]
  1. the Teutonic god of thunder; counterpart of Norse Thor

How To Use Donar In A Sentence

  • Este tipo se dedicó a escribir libros sobre extraterrestres, y se le ocurrió que, ya que los mayas habían desaparecido "súbitamente", seguramente se subieron a sus ovnis y nos abandonaron. Pseudohistoria: 2012, el fin del mundo se acerca (��Otra vez?)
  • However, Donard suggested that the Mediterranean region has undergone several episodes of extinction and recolonization and present-day populations of France have a much more recent origin.
  • Greeks, but not of the Aeginetans for he expected a donary of them, as having won the greatest honor in the battle at Salamis.” Essays and Miscellanies
  • Namque nec sibi potest mortem consciscere, si velit, quad homini dedit optimum in tantis vitae poenis: nec mortales aeternitata donare, aut revocare defunctos; nec facere ut qui vixit non vixerit, qui honores gessit non gessarit, nullumque habere in praeteritum ius, praeterquam oblivionis, atque (ut facetis quoque argumentis societas haec cum deo copuletur) ut bis dena viginti non sint, et multa similiter efficere non posse. — The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Day two at the Slieve Donard Hotel in Newcastle sees the sale of furniture, silver, china, glass, fine art and garden statuary.
  • The School League team made a winning start in defence of their title with a convincing victory over Donard last Friday.
  • Hinc vsque Corrensam peruenimus, cui iterum à nobis donaria petenti non dedimus, quia non habebamus. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire we find catharsis pre - sented in a farcical situation: Clysterium donare, Postea seignare, Ensuita purgare (“With a clyster deterge, then let the blood spurge, and finally purge”). CATHARSIS
  • Si se puede donarla, por favor, vaya al hospital más cercano, y comunique con el Hospital Sharp en Mazatlán (0052) (669) 986-56-78 to 84 o 01992708727, el numero de su compañía de seguro de enfermedad, y cite PHILLIP PAIN. O Negative donors urgently needed in Mazatlan, Mexico
  • Era como una calma anormal, puesto que venía de abandonar una tarima desde la que dominaba una inmensa autopista llena de gente que lo aclamaba y también le exigía un esfuerzo que podría superar no a uno sino a mil hombres. 12/03/2006 - 12/10/2006
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