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Don Marquis

  1. humorist who wrote about the imaginary life of cockroaches (1878-1937)

How To Use Don Marquis In A Sentence

  • Except that it has only eight lines, the triolet is also difficult to describe but a nice example of one is aptly titled "Triolet" and written by the American newspaperman and humorist Don Marquis (1878 — 1937), and is taken from his book Dreams & Dust (1915). “I ain't never goin' to work again. . . . I'm plum tired out.”
  • By Don Marquis, in "archys life of mehitabel," if all the verse what i have wrote were boiled together in a kettle twould make a meal for every goat from nome to popocatapetl mexico and all the prose what i have penned if laid together end to end would reach from russia to south bend indiana but all the money what i saved from all them works at which i slaved is not enough to get me shaved every morning and all the dams which i care if heaped together in the air would not reach much of anywhere they wouldnt because i dont shave everyday and i write for arts sake anyway and always hate to take my pay Archy s autobiography
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