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How To Use Doj In A Sentence

  • The DOJ thing is pretty strange, and will probably get modified, but all I can say is how nice it is that Dems aren't all on the same page, parroting the same opinions, baaing like conservatives. Frank slams Obama for 'big mistake' on Defense of Marriage Act (updated)
  • Morale and enthusiasm were high and the number of new people soared despite the insistence on having a proper guarantor in order to be admitted to the dojo.
  • Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
  • Then a very young judoka called Trevor Jones joined the Aikido section, he was a most talented student with immense natural ability, he was soon promoted to junior assistant to Sensei K Williams and Trevor and I shared the dojo responsibilities together and we became very good friends. Eastman War | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Sun boss Scott McNealy gave the DoJ his lengthiest harangue at the company's AGM for stockholders yesterday.
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  • Microsoft had the right to depose the declarants that the DoJ had used, but did not choose to do so.
  • What role Karl Rove should play in directing DoJ prosecutions for fraud, OTOH, is a different question. Balkinization
  • The former DOJ lawyers advocated for a crime to be committed, The current DOJ lawyers advocated for the defense in adversarial proceedings. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Liz Cheney
  • Entering a dojo and making a career of teaching budo will create a lot of parental opposition.
  • Pamela Samuelson, one of America's leading copyright scholars, has published a working paper arguing that the DoJ's and RIAA's theory for calculating damages in downloader lawsuits is flawed: Boing Boing
  • I would have to agree with the DOJ lawyers that they are simply one-step in a long process. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Superfund Unconstitutional?
  • Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
  • I’m what they call a dojo bum, hopping from art to art, never nesting. Casanegra
  • Only the senior sensei of the Dojo can have his back to the Kamiza.
  • Thursday's bullish doji-like close, followed by Friday's break back above Thursday's high, strengthens short-term basing prospects and likely opens the door for some upside over the coming days back towards the 1. 3800-1.3900 area, before proper consideration can be given for a bearish resumption. Currency Trading News by DailyFX
  • Great, and while the DOJ is replowing old ground, let's also readdress the issue of when Speaker Pelosi and the Select Committee on Intelligence were briefed on the interrogation methods. Republican calls Holder decision 'bulls**t'
  • This is only a brief hint of the larger lessons that can be learned in the Judo dojo.
  • A reluctant DOJ concluded that the only solution was a lawsuit.
  • ADAORA UDOJI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Surrounded by reporters, Robert Chambers, the so-called preppie killer, headed to court today, his past, though, not far behind. CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2004
  • -- Jen la altaj piedoj, kiajn vi deziris -- diris Jupitero -- jen la longa cigna kolo, largxa brusto kaj preta selo. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • He then informs the Hombu Dojo of the result of kyu testing using this form here.
  • Our dojo was a two-story building made of pine and cedar in the country style. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • The supervising attorneys would be paid, based on an hourly rate, from federal funding and/or a combination of voluntarily paid funds from the nation's foreclosers, with funds held in escrow by a trustee appointed by the DOJ. Jennifer Brunner: Hope: A Call to Leadership in the Foreclosure Fraud Crisis
  • Some of the fighters and students in our dojo were our age. Midnight
  • In practice, the DOJ has prosecuted people that are in arguable or probable non-compliance with the relevant State laws. The Volokh Conspiracy » As Predicted, New Justice Department Policy Didn’t Stop Federal Medical Marijuana Arrests in States Where Medical Marijuana is Legal Under State Law
  • One thing I did not think of was how martial arts would influence us outside the dojo.
  • Ito sukashi dairi Hamamatsu, adj. itzebu dai-sho hanami jaburan dai-sho-no-soroimono hanamichi janken hanashika jigotai dan haniwa jimigaki daruma haori jingu do happi-coat jinja dojo harai goshi jinkai senjitsu dotaku hara-kiri jinricksha emakimono hashigakari jinrikisha Eta Hashimoto's jinriksha fuchi hatamoto jito fugu hayashi jiu-jitsu fuji hechima Jodo Fukuoka, adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • If the High Court rules for Stewart or affirms her maximum 28 month sentence, DOJ may decide to reindict her on new charges meaning a new ordeal would begin where the present one leaves off. "Worthy and Unworthy Victims"
  • I think there are a lot of people in the DoJ and the military that have forgotten that Bush isn’t President anymore and that playtime is over …. Think Progress » Gibbs: Obama Would Agree It’s ‘Odd’ That The DOJ Cited Powell’s Old Views To Defend DADT In Court
  • Anonsters says: metro11: “treason” in the blogosphere is a far cry from DOJ memos actively pointing to your disbarment. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Many martial arts halls, or dojos, have wall mirrors so that students can correct their stances and postures.
  • Imadojemu and coworkers studied the mechanism of the pressor response in 11 patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
  • This settlement is the third nationwide compliance agreement in a Clean Air Act initiative under which DOJ and EPA expect to reach similar agreements with other sulfuric acid manufacturers.
  • But since he beat every one in the dojo, won the tournament, and beat the sensei, the sensei offered him a job to help run the dojo.
  • Devoted IsThatLegal readers may recall my quixotic efforts to use the Freedom of Information Act to learn about the potential involvement of DOJ's and other branches 'lawyer's roles in approving of interrogation tactics that amount to torture. IsThatLegal?
  • To permit the merger based on this so-called divestiture, the DoJ would have to conclude that with Paciolan, Comcast (the reported recipient) would have the incentive and ability to fully restore competition. David Balto: Merger Lessons Learned: Why the DOJ Must Block Ticketmaster/Live Nation Monopoly
  • And all year long, theObama DOJ fought (unsuccessfully) to keep encaged at Guantanamo a man whom Bush officials had tortured while knowing he was innocent. A historian's account of Democrats and Bush-era war crimes
  • Now, a newly activist DOJ may try to do the same thing to Google.
  • I have come here straight from the dojo with that experience still fresh in my mind.
  • Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
  • One day a man who had perhaps a 5th dan in judo came to the dojo and Yukawa was told to practice with him.
  • But the dojo is a great way to get people to think about and incorporate clean coding techniques into their own work.
  • After "leave of absence" dragged into a constructive discharge, DOJ then assisted Hawkins in contesting my award of unemployment compensation that barely paid for groceries each week. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Currently, I'm the primary owner of the module of Dojo.
  • In order to raise judoists in this manner, nurturing the attitude of study and resourcefulness in dojo Judo training is of first importance.
  • Surely, online videos like Nivea's "Black Booty" campaign and Hot Pocket's "Hot Pocket's Dojo" campaign are undoubtedly some kind of spasmed response at being exposed to unbounded levels of creative freedom. Czerina Salud: Minority Marketing Gone Wild: Beyond Nivea
  • He is currently a 7th dan shihan and teaches aikido at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo.
  • Well, we know where the fence is that the Nixon, Reagan, and Shrub I/II DoJ's were sitting on are, but where the frack were the LBJ, Carter, and Clinton DoJs? Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • The so-called preclearance by DOJ is required in Texas and other jurisdictions covered by the Voting Rights Act. Chronicle
  • This was based on the DOJ's antitrust division's view that the acquisition as originally proposed would significantly hamper U.S. refinery desalter manufacturing competition, resulting in higher prices and lower quality, service, and innovation. Undefined
  • My first day of training I walked into the dojo and realized that the heavy door looked as if it had come off an industrial freezer for a reason: the dojo was an abandoned meat locker. King of the Cowboys
  • For example, this year we had a scala coding dojo, which is a relatively new concept. Java News, Java Updates, Java Articles, Java Help -
  • Or DoJ loses, in which case DoJ usually gives up because the merger can proceed and it is impossible to "unscramble the egg" after the merger is consummated. Harold Feld: DoJ Says "No Ma Cell"; What Happens Next?
  • The first dojo we trained in was upstairs over a striptease club.
  • However, even if someone in government could be persuaded a far reaching probe is called for, given that under the new Obama administration, RIAA lawyers with clearly vested interests now occupy top DoJ positions, a fair investigation would be an impossibility. MediaSentry and RIAA: government probe?
  • Then, of course, there was the controversy swirling around Bush's DOJ in 2008 after revelations surfaced that it had "deselected" nearly Main RSS Feed
  • The martial art may not matter, the morality instilled by the dojo is important here as well as the physical dominance of the instructor. Video Report: Brit Boys Stamp Baby Deer To Death
  • This is a superb Figma action figure of the star of the series, Yui-chan, who combines the classic anime tropes of dojikko (cute clumsy girl) with boke (kind of ditzy) but always eager to entertain us. Recently updated products at
  • I was also able to practice aikido regularly and was among several of the teachers who created a loose, organizational structure for aikido dojos in Northern California.
  • LucubradOj Guaith n6s, my vyr - daud no. difglacr; Tqr, prCdvcrth: Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: : from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, B
  • Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
  • Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
  • In this and another instance, the technique of application and volume of water used differed from the DoJ opinion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Yoo and Bybee aren't responsible for the government committing the crimes that these two goons were hired to so-called legalise, for the Presidential administration, the Congress, the DoJ, ... always know very well that there was NO way to officially legalise these crimes without usurping (or hijacking) the U.S. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • All while she was unable to violate the yoke of the unprecedented use of the arcane "States Secrets Privilege", invoked by the DoJ in such a draconian fashion that she is still "gagged" from disclosing even innocuous personal details such as her date of birth. Brad Friedman: EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Ellsberg Says Sibel Edmonds Case 'Far More Explosive Than Pentagon Papers'
  • David: Well I understand that, but the question seems premised on the position that Congress forcing the DOJ to prosecute someone is the only way for congress to have some it deems a contemnor held in contempt. The Volokh Conspiracy » May Congress Order the Justice Department To Prosecute People Who the Justice Department Firmly Believes are Innocent?
  • My teacher, who students called Sensei, was a thirty-something-year-old Japanese man who owned a nice-sized space that we called the dojo. Midnight
  • And the DOJ could be less likely to block contempt charges against former White House aides who have refused to testify before Congress.
  • This is true in traditional Aikido dojos as well as other styles of martial arts in Japan.
  • They are encouraged with the gradual increase in the number of new persons who have joined martial arts dojos this year.
  • In any event, there has always been a mystery about what was changed in the actual program in 2004 to render it even colorably legal in the opinion of DOJ during this time period. Balkinization
  • One day, a 6th dan Karate teacher came to the dojo with an introduction from an acquaintance and challenged me to a match.
  • Department of Justice (DOJ) to divest its Edge refinery desalter business and will license, on a non-exclusive basis, NATCO's Dual Frequency electrostatic technology for refinery desalter products. Undefined
  • The name dojo comes from the Japanese term for a gathering place for martial-arts students. Techies Get to Work at Hacker Dojo
  • Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can't withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.
  • The defign of the (irfl Book, to which we rhall conlifie mil attention fc-f the prcfrr-t) u to trace the n (e aJid progrtrs of Iv bour, and iit opcradojiv, ai the foiiTce of wealth; and to rflj ihth clear principles and predfc ideai, concerning the origi and ufe of money, and the ciufei which drcermirei or whid vary, the price of cornmoditiei ind rem of landi. The Monthly Review
  • NIE OTWIERAM JUZ OKIEN, kiedy pali sie swiatlo, zamykam drzwi, kiedy swiatlo sie pali wieczorami w innych pokojach, zeby te bestie przypadkiem do mnie nie przylecialy, ogolnie odcinam sie od kazdej mozliwej sytuacji, w ktorej mogloby dojsc do spotkania mojego z komarami, uff kropka. nienawidze dlugich zdan. troche chce juz studia. -
  • Compound tenses occur less often in Esperanto than in English, and an aoristic Esperanto tense may often be translated by an English compound tense, as "La birdoj flugas", the birds are flying. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • Ito sukashi dairi Hamamatsu, adj. itzebu dai-sho hanami jaburan dai-sho-no-soroimono hanamichi janken hanashika jigotai dan haniwa jimigaki daruma haori jingu do happi-coat jinja dojo harai goshi jinkai senjitsu dotaku hara-kiri jinricksha emakimono hashigakari jinrikisha Eta Hashimoto's jinriksha fuchi hatamoto jito fugu hayashi jiu-jitsu fuji hechima Jodo Fukuoka, adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • There's actually a mode called dojo mode, it's a tutorial or training mode, where you can learn how to improve your technique, brush up your technique, and learn to fight against really hardcore players as well. The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
  • I think the DOJ was formed in 1876 which by coincidence is the year it beame “politicized”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Politicizing Justice:
  • Leading copyright scholar says DoJ gets it wrong in downloader lawsuits Boing Boing
  • Distrust comes from an Administration that lied, wasted lives, dollars and resources, committed TREASON against the American People, stacked the DOJ against the Republic, violated Constitutional Principles and warrantlessly spied on Americans against FISA and TORTURED people in violation to the Constitution AND International Treaties, And distrust comes from a body politic of Congress that tolerates an Administration that engages in and in some cases, in collusion WITH Congress to remain criminal. Think Progress » Former government employee Dana Perino doesn’t trust the government.
  • Canary is well-known in relevant quarters of DoJ, where many "loyal Bushies" remain in power after eight years of such employment practices as the mid-term firings of U.S. attorneys who failed to use their powers for political prosecutions. DoJ Assault On Siegelman Threatens Civil Rights For Many
  • JAK TY SIE ZACHOWUJESZ?! czy naprawde musialo dojsc do takiej sytuacji jak dzis, zebys uwierzyla, ze mimo, ze pewnych rzeczy nie okazuje, to jest tak, jak mowi? no Ola .. -
  • He went to Hawaii as a 5th dan where he opened a dojo and has taught Aikido to several thousand Hawaiians.
  • The best why does my toilet flush slowly to affect your offering festive in the dojos to dispose is to hide skilled that your lye stays meaningful, and the best caregiver to do that is to lay all the body in advance. Wii-volution
  • This twisted notion that we would only observe our own laws, our own Constitution, our own Enlightenment Age ideals-if there was something in it for us, if we could somehow profit by it - appalls me. brought to mind something in a talk given by Sabine Willet (one of the attys for the Uighur and a commerical bankruptucy lawyer who felt compelled by the injustice to do something - while DOJ litigators felt compelled to lie to courts and continue to block habeas requests for men who their own files showed were innocent and had been abused and tortured bc of governmental policy that * no one leaves GITMO innocent*) Firedoglake
  • Each year, there are foreigners who turn up at Nawa Sensei's dojo looking for ninjutsu or inquiring about whether he'll accept someone as a student.
  • The specific DOJ charges appear to be supported by electronic recordings and at least one snitch, thereby providing at least some substance despite the usual murky interpretations involved in political wheeler-dealing. Andrew Kreig: U.S. Charges of Alabama Corruption Tainted By Past Federal Misconduct
  • A subsequent Supreme Court ruling classified the case and "gagged" Edmonds without ever hearing her out, effectively quashing it on the same grounds used to nullify the Karl Rove/DoJ subpoenas: that sneaky "State Secrets Act", providing top cover for agents accused of crimes in the Bush Administration without any required disclosure of evidence in the case to a court. Why we need to learn the name Sibel Edmonds
  • March 10, 2010, 4: 15 pm yankee says: metro11: ruufles: “treason” in the blogosphere is a far cry from DOJ memos actively pointing to your disbarment. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Contribution to the NYT ‘Room for Debate’ Blog on the AQ7 Argument
  • As previously seen, widgets must inherit from the dijit._Widget class, which defines and provides the basic behavior for a Dojo widget.
  • At one point, dances were even held in the dojo with the tokonoma serving as the bandstand.
  • In the past, it's been at Shihan Monty's Brooklyn dojo, which is the largest space, and also run by the senior-most teacher in our discipline, but Shihan Monty has recently moved and is in the process of remodeling the new space, and it's not quite ready for public consumption yet. Wise move

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