- an agency that collects political and economic and technical information about energy matters and makes the Department of Energy's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence Community
How To Use DOEI In A Sentence
- And furthermore creepy, not creppy Hand, not had Meant, not ment Does, not doeis I'll skip the non use of any puntuation, I am sure your brain cant absorb any more .... KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
- More campanies are doeing this (though still the minority), but the regulatory maze is a nightmare to the point that it varies for each individual state. The Need for Savings, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- -- "Weill," sayis he, "my heart is full and burdened, and I will be glaid to haif ane occasioun to disburdein it, and speik all my mynd plainely to thame for the dishonouring of Chryst, and wraik of sua many soulis for their doeings; be the beiring doun the sinceritie and fridom of the Gospel, stoping that healthsome breath of Godis mouth, and maintaining of the Papistis 'corruptiounes and superstitiounes. Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series