- a small low-powered electrically powered vehicle driven on a special platform where there are many others to be dodged
How To Use Dodgem In A Sentence
- They watched the dodgem cars bang and bounce.
- To Dave it was all magic, a big adventure as he drove a dodgem car by himself for the first time, three minutes with crackling Top 40 tunes and a proud grin on his face.
- What does ‘place’ mean when you're travelling, and what kind of place is created when the dodgems and waltzers come to town?
- Choose from dodgems, water slides, waltzers - pretty much any ride you can think of.
- Cars seem to come from all directions, switching lanes like dodgem cars and it's not just cars but bicycles and scooters too.
- It was where, as a teenager, he saw the fairground showmen set up camp with waltzers, dodgems and swingboats.
- Cars seem to come from all directions, switching lanes like dodgem cars and it's not just cars but bicycles and scooters too.
- Pop music blares as dodgem cars slam into each other and a gaggle of teenage girls in pink fur haloes giggles its way up sideshow alley.
- The flying saucer was an awesome kick, the dodgems were fun (although our group managed to cause total gridlock twice).
- The shelf-stacker, who did not wish to be named, added: “They could have been seriously hurt – they were ramming each other like dodgems.” Old Ladies Fight | clusterflock