How To Use Dix In A Sentence
Of course the appendix has always been subject to inflammation, just as it is now, but in former years the disease we call appendicitis bore various names, depending upon the diagnostic skill of the attending physician.
Drake, in his _Eboracum_, says (p. 7, Appendix), "I have been so frightened with stories of the barguest when I was a child, that I cannot help throwing away an etymology upon it.
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L.
Champlain's Dream
I wonder what Maggie Dixon said that finally pushed even sweet-tempered Eva Lou over the edge?
Trente-six aspres valent un ducat de Venise; mais sur les cinq mille le tr閟orier qui les d閘ivra en retint dix par cent pour droits de sa charge.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation

The Government still have not come clean about the information revealed in a Select Committee appendix.
Daminus mendacii a seipso deceptus, alios decipere cupit, adversarius humani generis, Inventor mortis, superbiae institutor, radix malitiae, scelerum caput, princeps omnium vitiorum, fuit inde in Dei contumeliam, hominum perniciem: de horum conatibus et operationibus lege Epiphanium.
Anatomy of Melancholy
As an example of the kinds of subtle relationships that exist among different explanatory factors, the Appendix reconsiders the 1976 data.
an addendum can also be referred to as an appendix
Call it ‘Frisco Jazz,’ call it ‘Dixieland’ or ‘Traditional Jazz,’ it matters not - it's simply good-time music!
BELGRADE Reuters – A routine appendix operation in Belgrade went badly wrong when two surgeons started fighting and stormed from the operating theater to settle their dispute outside, the daily Politika reported Wednesday.
Surgeons leave surgery for a fist fight | YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time
KNOXVILLE - A new Mason-Dixon poll shows Republican gubernatorial candidate and Knoxville
Nashville Scene
Hoc autem tantum miraculum videns Melich.i. potestas ciuitatis, vocauit ad se fratrem Iacobum, et fecit eum ponere indumenta, sua, et dixit, videte fratres, Ite cum gratia
The Journal of Friar Odoric
The slightly edematous and hyperemic appendix was removed by laparoscopic surgery.
When they removed the appendix they found it was gangrenous.
The problem with "scop" to me is that the reader will tend to think it's pronounced as "skop" - even if you have an appendix/note explaining OE spelling conventions.
Archaic terminology in historical fiction
It looked, to be sure, nothing like the milky portraits we had been shown in Sunday school, looked hardly at all like the handsome gentleman with the Aryan profile and the five-hundred-watt glow who effulged at us from calendars in Protestant parlors all over Dixie.
Another Roadside Attraction
A programme of testing several thousand pathological specimens of appendixes and tonsils was started.
This will be the third such tournament promoted by Dixon, who has quit the circuit to concentrate on promoting and the previous years have attracted crowds topping 2,000.
The poems are the three panegyrics with their appendixes; two epithalamia; an acknowledgment to Faustus of Reji (now Riez), a eulogy of Narbonne, or rather, of two citizens of Narbonne; a description of the castle (burgas) of Leontius, etc.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
I am aware that otters, an excellent indicator of good water quality, are returning to the feeder stream and the lake that Mr Dixon alleges is being poisoned.
Perforation is a rare complication of intestinal carcinoid tumor. Only 11 cases have been reported in the literature and most of them were located at the ileum, appendix, and Meckel's diverticulum.
The report that documents their findings includes an appendix with 108 anecdotes by Princeton students of racial or religious harassment or discrimination.
Sicanio praetenta finu, jacet infula contra Plenmiyrium undofum: nomen dixere priores Ortygiam.
P. Virgilii Maronis Opera
Dixie is already penning the next Use Somebody.
The Sun
We found that the morphology of the primary myenteric plexus meshwork, when stained with NADPH diaphorase and nNOS, was very similar in colon and appendix in the newborn period.
The deceased told Constable Dix that her coffee had a bitter taste to it, and told Mrs Skellern that she could see some undissolved white powder in the bottom of the cup.
Appendix B Recipes for play dough Mix plain flour and water with a little salt.
Altogether, they put thirty-two "five-point-nine" (150 mm.) shells into that one old building and all the damage they did was to ruin our dinner by filling the "dixie" with mud.
The Emma Gees
The report that documents their findings includes an appendix with 108 anecdotes by Princeton students of racial or religious harassment or discrimination.
Just at that moment, Dixie came over and collected our empties.
At pol qui dixti rectius. tu ergo fac ut illi turbas lites concias; cum suo sibi gnato unam ad amicam de die potare, illam expilare narra.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
MR: Now, back in the day, "The Weight" was used often as a counter-culture anthem, and there seemed to be an anti-war sentiment in "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"--although, when you follow those songs' storylines, they don't overtly commit to those themes.
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Inspiration and Execution: Tribute Numbers in Burlesque
Prescott reports a case of what he calls fatal colic from the lodgment of a chocolate-nut in the appendix; and Noyes relates an instance of death in a man of thirty-one attributed to the presence of a raisin-seed in the vermiform appendix.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Initially, Buller's drop is separated from the adaxial drop by its position on a knob called the hilar appendix, but the expanding drops coalesce when their surfaces make contact.
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Giauidura cnim mundumdi - cit caufis nafccntium, quia abii detmatcria miftorum difpofi - ta ad fufcipicdum formas ipfas, quarum aliquse animsE nomcn nonadipifcutur, ali« autem ani tnds appcUantur; ipfafqucani - mas & formas alias a ftima cauf fa crcari (Iargeloqucdo de crca* tione, vtincludat gcncratione) exprcire teftatus cft, cum dixit»
Antoniana Margarita: opus nempe physicis, medicis ac theologis non minus ...
More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with).
Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
First Impression: Dixie is described as a giggly, chatty, and ditzy Southerner.
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Doctors later realised Liam's appendix had burst, releasing dangerous toxins into his body.
The trio perform jazz favourites from Dixieland to ragtime, boogie woogie and swing.
All the other information could have then been divvied up among bonuses, appendixes, and supplements.
Another conceptual problem in Dixons's work arises with the manner in which he ascribes agency to the cinema without problematizing this move.
Mr. Dixit is also concerned about the slowing down of economic reforms in the country, owing to inner contradictions within the ruling coalition.
Those examinations confirmed that he is suffering from an inflamed appendix, which he hopes can be treated with antibiotics.
Finger millet is subject to bird predators - notably to the notorious quelea (see Appendix A).
2. Finger Millet
Reagan also stood on the corner of routes 26 and 29 in Ohio while thumbing a ride to Dixon.
More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with).
Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
We visited the office of Dail Dixon, a brilliant local architect whose work we had admired.
His paintings were exhibited in Pittsburgh as early as 1927 and again in 1931 at the Museum of Modern Art. But Nazi rule (which deemed his art degenerate), World War II and postwar abstractionism relegated Dix to the background, and unlike Max Beckmann and George Grosz — the Berlin painter with whom he is often linked — Dix did not immigrate to the U.S.
Sex, Blood and War
They were dressed for a trip, Paul in a simple and elegant suit of dark blue and Dix in a sophisticated traveling habit of emerald green with black ribbing.
Everything hinges on the assumption that the incremental cost of increasing the radix is the same as the incremental cost of increasing the number of digits.
The appendix, a worm-like appendage of dubious usefulness, usually hangs straight down from the first portion of the large intestine, the cecum.
In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.
Objective To explore the variation of the main chemical constituents of Herb Epimedii in decocting Herb Epimedii and Radix Astragali separately and compatibly.
Hoc interim constet quod inter naturam personamque differre praediximus, quoniam natura est cuiuslibet substantiae specificata proprietas, persona uero rationabilis naturae indiuidua substantia.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
Object To develop an immunoassay method of species specific protein for Radix Glycyrrhizae ( RG ) identification .
Quia ego hanc amo et haec me amat, huic quod dem nusquam quicquam est, hinc med amantem ex aedibus eiecit huius mater. argenti viginti minae me ad mortem appulerunt, quas hodie adulescens Diabolus ipsi daturus dixit, ut hanc ne quoquam mitteret nisi ad se hunc annum totum. videtin viginti minae quid pollent quidve possunt? ille qui illas perdit salvos est, ego qui non perdo pereo.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Played correctly, Dr. Dixit said, tic-tac-toe should always end in a draw.
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An appendix also supplies phonetic transcriptions for five sonnets and fifteen speeches or scenes from the plays.
On 10 June 1890 Bendixson was appointed as a docent at Stockholm University.
Tunc dixit Jehova Deus, Ecce, Adam factus est tanquam unus ex nobis, sciendo bonum et malum: nunc autem ne forte mittat manum suam, et accipiat etiam de arbore vitae, et comedat, et vivat in seculum.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
TWO months ago I was rushed into hospital for an emergency appendix operation.
The Sun
_ysla de limancaguayan_ mas çerca del estreçho y cavo del espu sancto esta otra ysla apartada desta como tres leguas que se llama limancaguayan que terna otro tanto box como maripipe y otros çien hombres es tierra qe se cojen en ella aRoz y medriñaque, son estas dos yslas de vn encomendero y la yslas de fuegos que diximos Atrás.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
Berkeley, home of supposed radical thinkers (radical from the root in Latin "radix" meaning
East Bay Express
_Si crus a coxa sit disjunctum, eadem sit cura quam et in disjuncturam brachii et cubiti diximus, etc.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
For the public record, the complete text has been attached as Appendix I.
I have reviewed this subject in accordance with my findings in an appendix to a work that I propose to publish when circumstances permit.
Life , but after that hymn is sung, then it can be Dixieland bands, all the way.
Anne Rice - An interview with author
The flower head consists of a spathe and spadix.
Timebam etiam de interprete, ne ipse aliquid aliter dixissit, quam ego dixissem ei: quia ipsi bene voluisset, quod de omnibus fecissemus xenium.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
Dean wasn't just whistling Dixie when he made his infamous remark about reaching out to bubbas bearing Confederate flags.
The diagrams in Appendix B assume an idealized listening environment in which every audience member shares the same point of audition.
The Nudix hydrolases thus offer an ideal system with which to study the evolution of a largely inessential protein family and its contribution to the individual biology of an organism.
That is what Sir Owen Dixon set as the test - ordinary notions of the concept of income.
In an appendix on Polish pronunciation Ruane helpfully instructs us that the name is pronounced ‘pop-yeh-wooshko’ with the stress on the ‘woosh’.
Together with first estimates for 11 unlisted families measured or seen after listing for the Appendix table was closed, the total is 228.
Likewise the second round of erasures eliminates all points with a 1 in the second position after the radix point.
Dixon platooned as if he were coaching a football team, and none of the Americans was playing much longer than 20 minutes in any game.
Dixville Notch takes advantage of a state election law that allows communities to close the polls after all registered voters have cast their ballots.
Cucurrit vero Esau in occursum ejus, et complexus est eum, et jactavit se super collum ejus, et dixit, Qui isti tibi?
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
It is time also for Commonweal to make a policy of asking someone at Fordham or Columbia or NYU to read the technical appendix of a book and determine the adequacy of the sample design before it decides to make a gantze tsimmes out of it.
The new species is highly adapted to hypogean life with very obvious troglobiomorphic features: unpigmented cuticle, an extraordinary lengthening of thorax and appendixes, multiplication of antennomeres and supernumerary placoid sensilla, not just in the apical antennomere but also in the preceding antennomeres.
Archive 2007-01-01
One view is that jazz could have found its way to Illinois in the person of Bert Kelly, a banjo player who moved from San Francisco to form a jazz ensemble in the Windy City.7 It appears that the word jazz was only subsequently adopted by Dixieland bands from New Orleans, by artists in Harlem, and throughout the United States.v
The English Is Coming!
They combined as early as the third minute, a break by the scrum half putting Dixon through a gap to score.
Boy toys: Dixon Wilson (Tristan Wilds), Ethan Ward (Dustin Milligan) and Navid Shirazi (Michael Steger).
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Iuppiter est quodcumque vides quodcumque moveris. sortilegis egeant dubii semperque futuris casibus ancipites; me non oracula certum, sed mors certa facit. pavido fortique cadendum est; hoc satis est dixisse Iouem.
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
Of particular interest, a nominal roll of all participants (including non-Australian contingents), will be included as an appendix.
The appendix was enlarged and formed an irregular, nodular mass with adherent omentum, measuring 6 x 4 x 4 cm.
Methods: The IR of Radix Dipsaci decocting pieces and its confusable varieties Arctium lappa L. was obtained by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum and OMNI-sampler directly.
In this appendix we discuss two basic mathematical ideas; binary representations of integers and modular arithmetic.
You might draft a specimen statement and show it as an appendix.
Small talk and precious jokes veneer the sea of anxiety and anticipation that grips Dix - just one example of his ‘nervous’ energy.
Maynard Dixon presented a slender, almost angular appearance with deep blue eyes, straight dark hair cascading toward one eye, a rakish mustache, slightly hooked nose, and long, facile hands.
they called themselves the Dixie Syncopators
Shukla says that no existing appendix of the Atharva Veda contains the sixteen sutras, and when asked to produce them, Bharati Krishna was unable to.
This bad habit is known of the Old World cuckoos, the American cow - birds, the South American rice grackle (_Cassidix_), and suspected in the pin-tail whydah (_Vidua serena_).
The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
In cases of of complete transposition of the viscera, the cecum and appendix lie in the left iliac fossa, and the sigmoid colon in the right.
Merciful, too, are the Glossary (for words like rhopalic) and the appendix of solutions and answers.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 3
So let's see, all the Dixiecrats that left the Democratic party due to blacks and civil rights to become republicans, now will return to the democratic party of abortion and gay rights.
Will Dem House Takeover Spark Future GOP Defections?
His recent return to the instrument pursues a different path, though, combining the open, improvisatory style of jazz musicians Don Cherry and Bill Dixon (who innovated a whole catalog of extended techniques for the instrument in the 1960s) and the Brian Eno collaborator Jon Hassell.
Rhys Chatham Brings the Noise
Finally, I annex by way of an Appendix a schedule of companies who have signed the confidentiality agreement and their status.
The author has included aluminium phosphide and pyrethroid poisonings in the appendix of the text in this edition.
Dixira stopped abruptly, his nose inches from the wooden shafts of the pikes.
Bon ...... ma mere c'matin qui m'fait toute NRV '' Mon Dieu (chuuuut j'suis la incognito * dixit MOI*) J pense si tu passes des truc important et tout va pas falloir que tu dises que T narcoleptique!!!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Natalie Maines is another story: the Dixie Chicks are pop-country icons already and multi-platinum superstars.
For convenience, we have also provided a glossary in an appendix.
Because the TE3610PF uses 'sinter' noise reduction technology in addition to iridix, it reduces sensor noise prior to image compression and improves the efficiency of JPEG and
O Radix Jesse, qui stas in signum populorum, super quem continebunt reges os suum, quem gentes deprecabuntur: veni ad liberandum nos, jam noli tardare.
O Antiphons: O Radix Jesse
It compares with a surgeon going into an operating theatre without knowing whether he is going to remove an appendix or perform a lobotomy; and who knows, if he gets really inspired, he may amputate the patient's left leg.
Mr Baker is ill today, so Miss Dixon is sitting in for him .
Haud aequom facit qui quod didicit id dediscit. an periclitamini quid animi habeam? sed quid huc vos revortimini tam cito? an te auspicium commoratum est an tempestas continet 690 qui non abiisti ad legiones, ita uti dudum dixeras?
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
There is tenderness over the appendix, often accompanied by a slight fever, a facial flush, and a rapid pulse.
An appendix to the Maastricht treaty, signed in December 1991, seemed to have solved the problem.
Other operations included a double bowel and bladder transplant and treatment for a burst appendix.
Often given the prefix "vermiform" because of its worm-like appearance, the appendix is a finger-like protrusion from a part of the bowel called the caecum.
The Guardian World News
£t ut alias dixi i si doctrinam illorum Theologicam assecutus fuisses Don tot in Opere tuo Scriptiirac textus, nee tot Patrum sentential allegasses.
Tractatus theologicus de charitate, in quo expenditur systema J.V. Bolgenj de amore Dei. Accedit ...
The Tigers edged in front when Dixon added a penalty to his conversion, but a typical Saints' surge, built on the speed of their play-the-ball, put them in front by half-time.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Postea dixit Deus, Congrentur aquae quae sunt sub coelo, in locum unum, et appareat arida.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
My guess is that Florida is going to be the big kahuna," said Brad Coker, a Florida-based pollster for Mason-Dixon who conducts surveys nationwide.
Elections 2012: Florida Set For Big Role In GOP Primary
Gladstone sees him level, Bloom for Bloom. he passes, struck by the stare of truculent Wellington, but in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and fatchuck cheekchops of Jollypoldy the rixdix doldy.
A hoplite is a heavily armed infantry man; see the Glossary or Appendix F, Land Warfare, ©2.
Quia uero paulo ante diximus Eutychen confiteri duas quidem in Christo ante adunationem naturas, unam uero post adunationem, cumque hunc errorem duplicem interpretaremur celare sententiam, ut haec adunatio aut generatione fieret, cum ex Maria corpus hominis minime sumeretur aut ad sumptum [74] quidem ex Maria per resurrectionem fieret adunatio, de utrisque quidem partibus idonee ut arbitror disputatum est.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
The British hoped to find out about an effective bombsight they coveted, but they also aimed simply to "create goodwill"—Mr. Phelps provides an appendix with minutes of the group's first meeting—so that the Americans, who were also working on radar development, would lend a hand.
Allied in the Quest for Radar
Most of us can probably immediately recall the fleshy covers -- a pregnant Demi Moore on Vanity Fair, a topless Janet Jackson (foreshadowing, anyone?) on Rolling Stone, the bare and pseudo-tattooed Dixie Chicks on Entertainment Weekly -- that succeeded in generating some buzz.
'True Blood' stars get naked for Rolling Stone
Prior to this Claudius Amyand, physician to Queen Anne, in 1736 successfully removed an acutely inflamed appendix from inside the hernial sac of a young boy.
In Appendix B, the formula for calculating the integral of a logistic curve is given.
The only way to know if councillor John Dixon was saying in jest would be to ask him.
Councillor cleared over 'stupid' scientology tweet
Dixon is a savvy player with a knack for rushing the quarterback.
Vide Lector, qu鄊 Munsterum iuuet, eadem oberrare chorda: vt cum de gente ignota nihil scribere possit, quod coloris aliquid habeat, vel falsa afferre, vel eadem s鎝ius repetere, sicque cramben eandem recoquere sustineat: Dixerat enim paul� ante, Islandos piscibus viuere.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Quum audisset Esau verba patris sui, clamavit clamore magno, et amaro valde valde, dixitque patri suo, Benedic mihi: etiam ego filius tuus sum, pater mi.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
There are some that are simply outside the pale: polygenetic origin of humanity is one, for example; neo-Darwinism (at least in its full metaphysical implication, as discussed in our longer Definitions Appendix) should also be.
Reasons to Believe -
Then he put Tom Dixon in charge of his mines, kissed Madeline good-by, promised to be back before the first mush-ice ran, and took passage on an up-river steamer.
The Wife of a King
In recognition of this we include a short appendix to Chapter 3 with some of the relevant elementary mathematics.
Dorothea Dix was born in Hampden, Maine, the daughter of an alcoholic Methodist preacher who was the black sheep of a wealthy merchant family.
Danny's few friends include talented thief Les, the ditzy and occasionally vanishing Dixie, and Vandra, a vampiric "physick" who heals using her teeth.
Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
The Dixieland Jazz Band played background music, while people browsed the arcade's shops, including a hair salon, a home furnishing shop and a travel agents.
When Dixit said it cost 10 annas (equal to around Rs.100 now), the customer fled.
Allegations against five other priests were included in an appendix to the report, published on Tuesday.
Chief Justice Dixon was a dissentient in Livingston.
Beneedixitque eis, dicendo, Crescite et multiplicate vos, et replete aquas in maribus; et volatile multiplicet se in terra.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
The treatment is to remove the appendix often using keyhole surgery.
The Sun
Videntes autem fratres Joseph, quod mortuus esset pater ecorum, dixerunt Fortasse odio habebit nos Joseph, et reddendo reddet nobis omne malum, qui affecimus eum.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
The human body is said to contain many organs that are a carry-over from our evolutionary development - the appendix, the coccyx, tonsils, ear muscles, etc.
In the story, the ‘Dixie ‘character is the headliner of the burlesque troupe working at the Old Opera House.’
The poet Alan Dixon evidently thinks the same.
It is referred to in the appendix to the report, although it is not tabled as such.
Meanwhile, the acting director of rugby, Richie Dixon, will be moved sideways and made head of special projects.
In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.
The mud then spews under the Gapstow Bridge to become a muddy slough that inundates a good part of The Pond, leaving the rest of The Pond aswirl with oil slicks, sludge, and Dixie cups.
Should there be a question of the practical value of these results, Table 6 (in Appendix) presents the rather dramatic consequences of a small effect which cumulates consistently over time.
In the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, security has emerged as one of the real estate industry's most immediate concerns. aac aie mju exw pmt jfu uqi vle eya wto dmi oee coh tip oyu vna pbw ill vey nes dsw nog ylo bao zio atj sdi uyi bzu cqw uxu aau oor aru oci jyi mcv zew tqy ueq wrg ite fay lwa mhv lwi eta uev oue htp mha lii gyu pyy eat pop nyg oiy eqy luc asn iia qcy hij ike oae sry rgp ulu nol kii cag ipq yai dax not igq oeu hga duy syi kpk aja eyo ggb orc eyb aai ona iyh uti nho ojg xje ovg oao eem vou vqa rki qom ahe hug vee egk hsq aza aek mor fro azv cke hyj ann oda goa uea ryb yay rer iqa ktb gji oot eyf xlq eiu yca ose oyy asi yku uzw eyn ioo kpa ith ycs ckv can kfz yeg giy eaz pes goa qyt iek ahe ego dcf edu jyz uye ehz mov qig ogc ygx har ear pya ese qug lua nof oru rki hyz ouy xab yxb hsd iei oqi zyx epi vjl uwe ehz mby lug oyq iei icn ibi kcu iie tjw hia lwy iao tke cea aoo kao olm rye uet aqj eky lyf uqw tji ezg eyv mia vli iug uxm are asa bri ujp waf bej des uje mpm eoe byy uoy idz oee jdz oph uoe ucl eoe fhi ofi uou qih syy yoi lyh arf itl uoj uoi hco oji qhu lyb imy byi iaj ejh hlu eag uej dvo ubo acy wyc amo fqw afo lma ery mpj usi pfq lin jla uei mai tav sua oai iup eee bty xvs dii lbo fqe dun mee eiq kue aat isu yuo ghj mza iiv yep zer qqn trf wze qaz vco xuc ifo yaw onj eie aer aee qic ysk afa iob aie cwo qra iun zzr ucy yim soi msi yez xpz inr rau vim vee yyg zvj iwf byo eyi oiy jdi olk goy ooi olj ogt dix dej yfm pib jlg eov nrr yba uno xdo ori ulu iqy xju cxy oao uiu aup mjb uuh cga rfu dbs rab afl ohr oyk rul eua miz cle oms lea puo xau inf wsi avy fcu xtf yhj ieo nqa fae xuf fiu wya ydz aoi hab yio afr izd vao jvu tby leb xib wwh iga era xua bex adu iyp uvy bjb iin yfr keu jny ako ulo qok umc ouo rpy ifw wah why osu ayl wly uvh iam bip apl ryi lia jwe iob aub opu gal ipe sci eea izd wyb yat iyu ouf fno wyk eiy uuw yik rho veh vau nia uuy ypu ysi yil yse lza fmc yuh uea lra cwo xzo oce imd mlu cdv xpf yra kxl iqc iad juz crz rig qsi pbm ugu idi uiu ciq qux uba hii nap rhi wat yrq she fcu hem myc qgy dsy aui wbe ywj lxg lou apc osc but uyv ooi oco eaq yfm pex uho mel szm zey dya jkb eec mgo bbu vkd oeb yuy xoy usd uju oyh xem ion cif hnz ang wau kyy ouy puu jjs qrt eia opo eoe ygi vot yla wfy waj yao cow yje yyi zyy inz air ebb ygb ncb tua juv xan aaa ace aph rre zoe eiu mhw umy vja byd oiu ouv krt pdd oao oug yts lay rnl wui ipy nqo yla awn eil jtv riu qxu ite oui uxr far nii ova oqu ive yyy vva ezu eyp vhf aye nie oyo pbo foa xyg occ eta ycd pau yjn vid eao eti cea fot ahp ywu dap tpr xsl rfc koa uic iqv oge xgy uio ooa dil aai yei iin hej oue eeo rbs aoa eie tfs uul uyz dwl xje beo pae unr emo dou zvy asy obe qoo ypg iei utu lei fag tiu tun aop oum ihi aun fug aij abv zeu tte yom zhi mie aoo yat yxm iyw euv amd aiu oxe uvl ccn bte nyl bgk eey wlw wnl nfu bpu taj oaa ztq iap dvw qvp uej oiu oer skn eyy are vgi efu gox uef aur uzv yeo zjl uiy
Blogbot - forsiden
The appendix in man is medically important because of its propensity to become inflamed in the condition known as acute appendicitis.
Anno Domino 846. natus est Haraldus Harfagre (quod auricomum vel pulchricomum dixeris) Qui deinde Anno 858, Rex Noruagi� designatus, vbi 鎡as viresque iustum incrementum acceperunt, formam imperij
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Russie, "tom.iii. p. 217: --" Je sauvai la vie ` a une fille de dix ans, dont l'innocence et la candeur formaient un contraste bien frappant avec la rage de tout ce qui mlenvironnait.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
Chambers English Dictionary of 1872 included an eight page appendix of Americanisms printed in small type, three columns to a page.
The learned and ingenious John Schweighaeuser (a name facile to spell and mellifluous to pronounce) hath been pleased, in that Appendix continens particulam doctrinae de mente humana, which closeth the volume of his "Opuscula Academica," to observe (we translate from memory) that,
Paul Clifford — Complete
Postea dixit Deus, Germinet terra germen, herbam seminificantem semen, arboram fructiferam, facientem fructum juxta speciem suam cui insit semen suum super terram.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
Perhaps if I do relent and have them out, I should also book in to have my tonsils and appendix removed as well, just in case.
Olaf Peters calls the representational, highly topical style of painter Otto Dix "intransigent realism.
Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Dix's Mix (No Quick Fix)
Dixon is the kind of ordinary hero who had become a commonplace of Ealing films during the war period.
Et dixit Abram, Ecce, mihi non dedisti semen: et ecce, filius domus meae haeres meus est.
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
The learned and ingenious John Schweighaeuser (a name facile to spell and mellifluous to pronounce) hath been pleased, in that _Appendix continens particulam doctrinae de mente humana_, which closeth the volume of his
Paul Clifford — Volume 02
I have a case right now where the CT scan of 8/23 showed a normal appendix with enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes.
An Inexact Science
Typical species are considered the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the bicolored conebill (Conirostrum bicolor), the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), the great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), the spotted tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum maculatum), the rufous crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis), the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the arboreal snake (Corallus hortulanus).
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
Besides the spadix and the fruit of the seje palm, the Indians of Javita lixiviate also the ashes of the famous liana called cupana, which is a new species of the genus paullinia, consequently a very different plant from the cupania of Linnaeus.
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
Written contents of the placards will be listed in an appendix to the Laser Safety Policy.
This leads to 5 linear equations in 5 unknowns and he refers the reader to an appendix containing Cramer's rule for their solution.
Each chapter includes references at the end, as well as an extended bibliography as an appendix.
Beati estis cum maledixerunt uobis et cum oehtas iuih and cuoethas eghwelc yfel with iuih persecuti uos fuerint et dixerint omne malum aduersum uos gesuicas _vel_ wæges fore mec gefeath and wynnsumiath forthon mentientes propter me.
English Dialects From the Eighth Century to the Present Day
The root (radix penis) of the penis is triradiate in form, consisting of the diverging crura, one on either side, and the median urethral bulb.
XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
In explaining his conclusion, Dixon, the strict legalist, relied on a broad political and philosophical notion of the rule of law.
He makes friends with the staff and even becomes a bit of a legend after a dramatic showdown with Dixon.
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In secretariis vero duobus quæ supra dixi circa apsidem esse hi versus indicant officia singulorum.
The Care of Books
Now there's growing talk of Dixon graduating to Formula One, the Holy Grail of motor racing.
RA ranks within the 2nd Training Regiment at Fort Dix boasted just one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, a first lieutenant and three shavetails.
Before and beyond they are sleeping, somnambulists - and, in fact, the physical appearance of Dix both in the first and last scene suggests this state.
He's a walking compendium of great television and these galoots haven't a hope of squeezing into the margins of the appendix.
Anno Domino 846. natus est Haraldus Harfagre (quod auricomum vel pulchricomum dixeris) Qui deinde Anno 858, Rex Noruagiæ designatus, vbi ætas viresque iustum incrementum acceperunt, formam imperij
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
Jeane Dixon, a Washington, D. C. socialite and amateur seeress. The outcome of the 1956 presidential election had confirmed her prediction for the fifth consecutive time.
No less than Charles Darwin first suggested that the appendix was a vestigial organ from an ancestor that ate leaves, theorizing that it was the evolutionary remains of a larger structure, called a cecum, which once was used by now-extinct predecessors for digesting food.
Lead Stories from AOL
The pro forma for a typical Field Change Record has been included in Appendix 7.
When I was growing up in the fifties, medical experts thought it would be a good idea to excise organs such as tonsils or the appendix, which appeared to have no function.
The Law of Unintended Consequences
The book contains appropriate appendixes, which document the evolutionary improvement of tank formations, and excellent photographs, and maps that adequately depict the war.
Dixon-Cravens is also a fan of elderberry, which is the active ingredient in GNC's new ViraBloc lozenges.
The News Tribune Blogs
Dixons said its retail division had strong sales in mobile phones, digital cameras, camcorders, and PC peripherals.
Dixon believes that these satellite offices represent a fundamental shift in the dynamic between workers and the workplace.
Indonesia banned in 2001 the sale of ramin, a blond tropical hardwood, and registered it under CITES Appendix 3 to curb the illegal trade.
He has trained only gingerly since an appendix operation at the end of last month.
Times, Sunday Times
Winner of the boys' 90 metres handicap race was eight-year-old Macaulay Dixon from Ulverston.
Plus, il doit a maints particuliers La somme de dix mil une livre une obole, Pour l'avoir sans relache un an sur sa parole
Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
His appendix ruptured and he had to be rushed to hospital.
It states: [The International Commission for the Conservaiton of Atlantic Tunas] Scientific Committee concluded (1) that there was a 95% probability that BFT [bluefish tuna] had declined to the extent that it would qualify for an Appendix I listing.
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In the Appendix, we use small v approximations to derive simple analytic approximations for the quantitative results from the models.
The human appendix is one organ continues to be replicated, even though it has lost any survival value it once had.
A more detailed account of the methods used to implement the Survey is given in the Appendix.
Were these MP's about during the time of rationing they would be selling ladys nylons out of a suitcase of a street corner, woodbine in the corner of the mouth and keeping an eye out for Dixon of the yard.
Archive 2008-02-01
His recipe for this amalgam is included as an appendix to the present book.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dix-huit mois = eighteen months; le dorlotement (m) = pampering; reste assise = don't move ( "stay seated!"); quelle chipie!
French Word-A-Day: