How To Use Divisibility In A Sentence
However, the use of a variety of instruments does little to emphasize the indivisibility of rights.
This early form of barter, however, does not provide the transferability and divisibility that makes trading efficient.
It is the most difficult times in Russia, Japanese politicians and experts trying to implementation of the "indivisibility of political and economic" principle.
Publishing new writing by way of contests implies a certain metaphysical attitude--the model privileges randomness, divisibility, fragmentation, unknowability, and nondeterminism, perfected and ground through a process of rationalization to the presumed opposite of these conditions.
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He said that matter, considered from the standpoint of its greatest divisibility, consists in particles of decreasing size, flows or elastic fluids that "deploy themselves" by radiating through space.

Same, concerning chemisette sex mode define, also many with chemisette life with grow, breast feed this mission indivisibility , close contact together. Elaboration, gentleness, sensitive faculty...etc.
Mushroom would have to remain its more manageable intriguing self, a word calling out to be loved for its divisibility.
The English Is Coming!
Global warming too easily serves as a metaphor for our common humanity and the indivisibility of the species in a fragmented world.
Connected with this issue is the debate contrasting indivisibility (all human rights are equal in importance) with hierarchy (some rights are more important than others).
Authorial autonomy backlash in next major amendments: work for hire and joint work doctrines limited, indivisibility abandoned, formalities gradually eliminated, and termination of transfer right created (temporal fragmentation).
Archive 2009-08-01
Exterior illimitability and interior indivisibility are simple phases of the same attribute of _necessary continuity_ contemplated under different aspects.
Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
On the one hand, he posits that the “in-dividual,” as opposed to mere “individual,” phenomenon can be isolated as a discrete subject of our historical inquiry when we ascribe certain subjective values to the singular coherence and indivisibility that are responsible for its uniqueness.
Commodities which barbarians can consume immediately are objects of the first necessity, whereas more civilized people, who are in a condition to undergo greater expense, look more to the technic qualities of money, such as divisibility, capacity for transportation and durability. _v.
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From this principle flows another upon which it is impossible to lay too much stress, namely; _illimitability and indivisibility, infinity and unity, reciprocally necessitate each other_.
Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
Anxiety about atomism produced changes: work for hire doctrine; joint works were subject to undivided rights; “indivisibility” doctrine, creation of private groups to aggregate rights like ASCAP.
IPSC, first plenary session
God's indivisibility draws a line in the sand against science.
Getting Godless
Presumably, though, there is a smallest size of atom, and this is thought to be enough to avoid the paradoxes of infinite divisibility.
Economists declare that money must adhere to at least three rules acceptability, divisibility and limited in quantity.
Stalag 18A
In addition, this graphical solution shows the effect of resource divisibility.
While addressing the convention, he said further that the biggest challenge before the country was to maintain the unity and indivisibility.
We pass large color posters declaring Ossetia's "indivisibility" and a lonely bust of Vladimir Lenin standing in a dusty parking lot in front of a filthy WC.
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The premise of divisibility of public prosecution establishment is the doctrine of prosecuting discretion, which allocates prosecutor red-pros discretionary.
As can be seen, the recurring theme of the principle is universality, non-exclusivity, non-discrimination, and indivisibility.
The premise of divisibility of public prosecution establishment is the doctrine of prosecuting discretion, which allocates prosecutor red-pros discretionary.
The work of the ILO in our country has highlighted the indivisibility of social, political and economic concerns.
Burmese Pro-Democracy Leader Appeals for Labor Rights
Valla's idea is that notions such as divisibility and quantity are properly at home only in the world of ordinary things.
Lorenzo Valla
As to the "one to one perspective" it tells something about industry relevance, the divisibility of the target resources, management costs, synergies persistence and transaction uncertainty.
We exchange stories about school, cats, divisibility rules, and broccoli, whatever seems to float her boat.
The burden of proving divisibility of harm is on the defendant seeking to limit his liability.
Another complication is that sometimes there seems no way to resolve the antinomies, as in the case of the divisibility of matter.
The planning legislation was not impressed by the indivisibility of single processes.
In any event, when making a case against the indivisibility of Sinitic, it is not necessary to rebut each of these "common" features individually, since they are largely or wholly extralinguistic.
Language Log
I got sick to the back teeth hearing about America is the greatest nation on earth, especially in the context of equality and indivisibility.
In fact, the very same criteria - homogeneity, divisibility, replicability, and boundedness - apply in both cases.
In the second place, though matter, considered as the occult cause of our sensations, do really exist, yet what we call divisibility may be an attribute only of our sensations of sight and touch, and not of their uncognizable cause.
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
Mushroom would have to remain its more manageable intriguing self, a word calling out to be loved for its divisibility.
The English Is Coming!
According to this argument, the problem with indivisibilism arises from thinking compositionally about the continuous, because there is a mismatch between the idea of compositionality on the one hand and the idea of infinite divisibility on the other.
Walter Chatton
The premise of divisibility of public prosecution establishment is the doctrine of prosecuting discretion, which allocates prosecutor red-pros discretionary.
Divisibility Test An aid in determining whether a natural number is divisible by another natural number is called a divisibility test.
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But the constant reaffirmation of the slogan of indivisibility has not prevented regular claims that one set of rights or the other must in fact be accorded priority.
According to the sutra system, this indivisibility of method and wisdom refers to wisdom affected by method and method affected by wisdom.