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[ UK /dɪstˈɛnʃən/ ]
  1. the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
  2. the act of expanding by pressure from within

How To Use distension In A Sentence

  • When you eat a lot at one time it causes stomach distension, which triggers relaxation of the LES. Leo Galland, M.D.: Acid Reflux: The Truth Behind Heartburn
  • She had a 3-day history of acute-onset abdominal pain, vomiting, abdominal distension, and obstipation.
  • Microaneurysms are small saccular pouches, possibly caused by local distension of capillary walls.
  • Occasionally the cysts cause pain because of distension of the liver capsule, and such patients may require cyst fenestration or partial liver resection.
  • After two months, the abdominal distension showed no improvement and bowel irrigation was needed.
  • A patient with advanced right heart failure will have jugular venous distension, edema and ascites.
  • Evidence that application of pressure prevents gastric distension needs to be established, together with methods for early detection of aerophagia.
  • Other associated symptoms include bloating, distension, mucus in the stool, urgency, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
  • She developed abdominal distension, oliguria, acidosis, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine.
  • Examination showed jugular venous distension and bilateral pretibial pitting edema.
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