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  1. the quality possessed by something that you can get along without

How To Use dispensability In A Sentence

  • There's this desperate need to insist not only on France's relevance in an era dominated by Germany, but France's indispensability.
  • Just to illustrate how great out ignorance of the optimum forms of delimitation of various rights remains - despite our confidence in the indispensability of the general institution of several property - a few remarks about one particuilar form of property may be made. Glaeser on Coercion and Contracts, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Virtanen established the indispensability of cozymase in lactic and propionic acid fermentations, as well as the phosphorylation of sugar (1924). Artturi Virtanen - Biography
  • One kid always used to tag along, unwanted, made fun of, yet somehow of greater indispensability than any of the rest of us.
  • Some organizations seek to be known and respected for the products they offer, while others seek to retain their indispensability to selected markets.
  • A third way of looking at a hitter's indispensability is to look at the percentage of his team's runs he's driven in during the games he's played. - Tipping the balance of power
  • That determination - along with his indispensability - is what ensures he will be available when the business end of the tour comes around.
  • The endemic nature of corruption in many emerging markets can lead investors to conclude that entering fast-growing economies like India and Brazil requires choosing between two unappealing options: accepting the indispensability of committing bribery and chance prosecution under statutes like the U.S. Even The Virtuous Can Thrive In Corrupt Countries
  • Except that Bainbridge was never quite that neat a writer; elliptical, mysterious and not too hung up on the indispensability of closure, her novels quite frequently seemed to lack an easily decipherable resolution, and be all the more powerful for it. The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress by Beryl Bainbridge – review
  • Maddy notes, however, that the straightforward indispensability argument cannot be the whole story about mathematics, since, as we have just noted, it does not cover unapplied mathematics.
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