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[ UK /dɪsmˈɪsəbə‍l/ ]
  1. subject to dismissal
    appointed and removable by the mayor

How To Use dismissible In A Sentence

  • And when the anger moves from more easily dismissible protesters in Lower Manhattan to a larger swath of the American citizenry, comments like Perry's "I don't care about that" will not be received well. Mitchell Bard: Income Inequality Is the Achilles Heel in the GOP Strategy to Demonize Occupy Wall Street
  • But unless it's really in someone's face, is that really a dismissible offence. Guardian Viral Video Chart: City cycling, Steve Jobs on Apple's new HQ
  • Time may appear puzzling in the film, but Gondry offers many clues that appear in the form of minute, seemingly dismissible details.
  • Instead of being the occasional, dismissible, faceless patient, they will be faced with their friends, neighbors, stockbroker, or banker, even relatives.
  • The overpriced teriyaki at Bryant Park is dismissible. Get Arepas and Kettle Corn at the Bryant Park Holiday Market | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • I mean it is not dismissible, is it, your Honour?
  • They saw these omnipresent portrayals as creating the perception in the United States that anything Arab was almost inherently bad or anti-American; therefore Arabs, Arab Americans, their speech, or their perspectives were easily dismissible and politically risky. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • There is no more dismissible figure on the street than an old woman," Streep said. Karin Kasdin: Watching The Iron Lady Melt
  • If these suggestions are implemented, even in phases, as financial allotments would allow, taking a bus will no longer be a dismissible option.
  • Somebody earned his way by offing one of the dismissible masses of which we are all a apart. Ted Kennedy, dead at 77 | My[confined]Space
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