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[ UK /dˌɪsɪnhˈɛɹɪtɪd/ ]
  1. deprived of your rightful heritage

How To Use disinherited In A Sentence

  • His daughter was disinherited, and what little was left of Lovelace's possessions passed to his godsons.
  • The trust of the disinherited was further shattered and disowned by the disingenuous attitude of the state.
  • Under his reign his atempts to withdraw back to only francistown and maun were blocked by the congress but his seclusionist efforts weren't suported by the general populace and in the 2003 elections he was replaced by Ian Mmusi (Peter Mmusi's disinherited son) of the Botswana National Front that advecated expansionist polices. Elections - fresh news by
  • But Mell had said the Marquise had married a common man, and that she was disinherited for it.
  • In order to marry football hero Tom Harper, Kate endures being disinherited and estranged from her family.
  • Indeed, the final volume centers on Orlando's search for a lost will and his legal challenge to a will that has disinherited his family.
  • He knowing his father to be a resolute man, and punctual to his word, thought it impossible ever to reconcile him to the match, at which the young man began to consider what course to take, that he might not incur his fatherÕs displeasure, and by that means be disinherited from a good and extensive estate that he was sole heir to. The Cruel Husband; or, Dvonshire Tragedy
  • ONE of the first lessons we learned at Hull-House was that private beneficence is totally inadequate to deal with the vast numbers of the city's disinherited. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • It was high time; for, while the Disinherited Knight was pressing upon the Templar, Front-de-Boeuf had got nigh to him with his uplifted sword; but ere the blow could descend, the Sable Knight dealt a stroke on his head, which, glancing from the polished helmet, lighted with violence scarcely abated on the chamfron [84-16] of the steed, and Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 6
  • Little wonder that your parents disowned you and that now your current beef with life is that you were disinherited from a very sizable and impressive Treuter family estate. Are Urban Lobster’s $11 Specials Worth the Extra Buck? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
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