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  1. rid of vermin
    The exterminator disinfests the house

How To Use disinfest In A Sentence

  • If needed, used insecticidal soaps to disinfest hooli of taro root aphids before planting Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Like the previous one, this coach has also been disinfested.
  • The efficacy of the isolated phage to disinfest seed potato tubers artificially inoculated with a common scab-causing streptomycete was evaluated.
  • Products of this utility model and fly disinfestation cage, is a highly efficient device and fly disinfestation.
  • Dredges the sewer, sprays the disinfection insect disinfestation liquid medicines, eliminates the mosquito to multiply, reduces the mosquito density.
  • 03-Jul-2008 - New disinfection and disinfestant food technology using radio frequency (RF) heating can eliminate microbes and ... MeatProcess RSS
  • Entomologist Lisa G. Neven is providing practical, affordable techniques to packers to disinfest these premium fruits.
  • AT THE FORMER concentration camps of Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau, we find the following scenario: The buildings which used to serve as the camp delousing facilities still have extremely high traces of the gas Zyklon B, which was used in these buildings to disinfest clothing, mattresses, etc. Telegraph Blogs
  • In studies, her group tried many combinations of temperature and incremental heating rates before settling on two optimal treatments to disinfest fruit.
  • The communicability period lasts until the infected person has been treated and all infected body surfaces and surrounding environment have been disinfested.
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