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How To Use Discriminator In A Sentence

  • In the case of marriage, calling SSM discriminatory or segregationist represents either a failure to adequately recognise the sexuality of the individual involved or more perniciously to regard that distinction as immaterial or undeserving of respect. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • OTOH I’ve always been fascinated by the massive blind spot in multiculti and PC discourse which refuses to acknowledge the oppressive and discriminatory elements in many non western cultures. Cheeseburger Gothic » Drop your bombs between the minarets, down Geneva way-ay-ay-aaayyy…
  • This discriminator simply works on the principal that with no modulation applied to the carrier there is no output at the detector.
  • Team members might engage in discriminatory practices or hire only friends or relatives.
  • One apparently almost universal discriminatory practice was to pay women less than men.
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  • This, as we said, is especially true for women who live in a chauvinist, discriminatory environment.
  • Yet the abolition of discriminatory migration proceeded apace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Law firms would not dream of excluding these de facto discriminators from their hiring schedules, though.
  • There are SO many laws already in place to correct discriminatory lending, that strenghtening of the CRA was NOT needed … but it was … to the point that Banks lended against solid and normal business practices. gimmee a break. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • Meanwhile, aspirations towards partnership with users and anti-discriminatory practice require active consideration of the context of users' lives.
  • Past performance loses its value as a meaningful discriminator among contractors.
  • Thus, this factor alone is not a major discriminator between both groups.
  • The Left has also prioritized Marcuse's antinomic concept of "discriminatory tolerance" or Latest Articles
  • This is discriminatory: to discriminate against members of a group of people just is to treat them disadvantageously compared to members of other groups, when there's no adequate justification for doing so.
  • It would also strengthen the powers of police to protect women from coercion and intimidation and underline that of courts to set aside discriminatory rulings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fertility experts have suggested that the law is unfair and discriminatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • With competition proliferating across all sectors and offerings becoming standardised, the only apparent discriminators remaining are price and service.
  • But we abhor any insulting or discriminatory behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this paper, discriminated frequency property of phase discriminator has been studied.
  • Information provided to one interested supplier shall be provided in a non-discriminatory manner to the other interested suppliers.
  • These features were utilized as taxonomic discriminators because usually their structures are well preserved in fossilized coralla and they are relatively easy to study in thin section.
  • A discontented student body frequently boycotted classes over various grievances, such as discriminatory practices in medicine.
  • The golf club was recommended to adopt non-discriminatory selection procedures and ordered to draw up an equal opportunities policy.
  • It said that workers could face the sack for any racist, sexist or any other discriminatory behaviour.
  • Meanwhile, aspirations towards partnership with users and anti-discriminatory practice require active consideration of the context of users' lives.
  • For the purposes of this Act, a person (in this subsection referred to as the discriminator) discriminates against another person (in this subsection referred to as the aggrieved person) on the ground of the marital status of the aggrieved person if, by reason of: Archive 2006-03-01
  • More generally, various dimensions of prejudice matter to understanding both prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior.
  • ‘It is discriminatory and cannot be countenanced,’ she said.
  • Is advertising for an electrician discriminatory against plumbers? The Sun
  • At the same time, he vowed that his government would continue to push for the lifting of what he called the "anachronistic" and "discriminatory" arms embargo against China. Daimnation!: The most amoral democracy on earth
  • Each of the member states had a host of other discriminatory practices that effectively distorted trade patterns.
  • The rail regulator should look at this discriminatory practice which punishes part-time workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, it's unlikely that any of these discriminatory practices will be changed in the near future.
  • Banners, meanwhile, must be ‘tasteful, non-offensive, non-vulgar, non-political, non-racial, non-discriminatory, non-sexual’ and carry no advertising.
  • In court, Mississippi argued that it had fulfilled its duty to establish an unsegregated system by implementing and maintaining nondiscriminatory policies and practices in student admissions and faculty hiring.
  • Community composition and relative abundances of certain taxa provided discriminatory power between impairments associated with organic enrichment and those associated with toxic discharges.
  • There you have gender apartheid and segregation which is very discriminatory against girls and women.
  • He said that the movement would challenge any false claims and take legal action over any policy changes it considered unfair or discriminatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said that the movement would challenge any false claims and take legal action over any policy changes it considered unfair or discriminatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dispossession was further compounded by discriminatory legislation designed to control the native population.
  • There is nothing biased or discriminatory or even vaguely xenophobic about this.
  • · Query. with_polymorphic () now accepts a third argument "discriminator" which will replace the value of mapper. polymorphic_on for that query. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • He says he did not formally indicate to the Tribunal that he felt his treatment by them was unfair and discriminatory.
  • It insists on the introduction of obligatory rules for anti-discriminatory conduct in the job descriptions of schoolteachers.
  • Even the Cabinet Office's own research shows that this is discriminatory, because it is based on subjective judgements carried out by managers.
  • Frequency of use, length of time using, and regularity of use are all significant and strong discriminators of cessation versus continued use.
  • We are confident that any gaps that remain are not as a result of discriminatory practice, and will be addressed over time. The Sun
  • Safe spaces refer to meetings that are welcoming to all but prohibit what is deemed to be discriminatory language. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it's labor law, then it's discriminatory towards helping bakers at the expense of bakery owners, and redistributive, which is unconstitutional. MetaFilter Projects
  • But his words and actions have shown him to be a discriminator and intolerant of difference.
  • People were more offended by discriminatory language, the watchdog claimed. The Sun
  • The phase-locked loop by the discriminator, the ring circuit filter and the pressure controls the oscillator to be composed.
  • Finally, the implement method of communication system applied noncoherent demodulation technique with frequency discriminator is discussed.
  • This sad, “if I’d only known” reaction from both Alito and former Boy Scouts suggests that organization members can be victims of a kind of associational fraud when they are induced to join a group without being fully informed of the group’s discriminatory policies. Balkinization
  • This fuels a vicious downward spiral of self-hatred and hatred of anomalous others from which it is difficult for the political discriminator to escape.
  • What is the correct balance between avoiding discriminatory employment practices and giving good customer service and applying good old common sense?
  • That's not much of a discriminator, because all scientists are under career pressure all the time, but it does point up the fact that this kind of misconduct is not motivated by simple monetary gain.
  • It is difficult to reconcile their opposition to gagging, say, someone who believes adulterers should be killed, with their own representatives' willingness to no-platform allegedly otherwise discriminatory speakers.
  • He said that the movement would challenge any false claims and take legal action over any policy changes it considered unfair or discriminatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • But prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior remained. Christianity Today
  • The use of discriminatory language can and does disadvantage women and members of ethnic minority groups.
  • It sets the stage for discriminatory practices against disabled and sick people.
  • He is afraid that if his marking is challenged and an appeal conducted he will be held to have been discriminatory.
  • Because direct evidence of a discriminatory motive is difficult to produce, cases are generally built around circumstantial evidence. Human Resource Management in Government
  • The action is part of a long-running dispute over pay and discriminatory performance systems.
  • Friday, 478 U.S. 385 1986, which they characterize as holding that the clock on the statute of limitations begins running anew "with each disparate paycheck even if the disparity arose out of discriminatory pay decisions made years earlier. "Pay is a complicated thing."
  • It would also strengthen the powers of police to protect women from coercion and intimidation and underline that of courts to set aside discriminatory rulings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The output of this unit was amplified and passed through a discriminator.
  • Instead of finding a home for her and her research, she found an environment more hostile and discriminatory than Harvard. Smithsonian Mag
  • Both sides of this issue reflect the social and geographical exclusion of black people in a discriminatory society.
  • And state governments are even less keen to settle with uncompensated victims of their discriminatory practices.
  • Adamson said he has fired employees and even canceled franchise agreements because of continued discriminatory practices.
  • Is advertising for an electrician discriminatory against plumbers? The Sun
  • Nor do boards have the discretion to reject texts based on racially discriminatory motives.
  • Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been abolished.
  • Team members might engage in discriminatory practices or hire only friends or relatives.
  • Do you see that as a counterweight to the discriminatory practices that you've been documenting?
  • Any justification very likely can appear or be made to appear judgmental, discriminatory, unfairly harsh, insubstantial or even anachronistic.
  • Congress is to launch an inquiry into discriminatory acts by immigration officials.
  • A lot of opposition came from representatives of States where law or practice were crudely discriminatory.
  • O'Brien may feel that her rights were violated and that the university's actions were discriminator, which is where the problem comes in.
  • We need to become the primary experts on our health, know our options, and insist on fair, non-discriminatory treatment.
  • The legislation is not there to tackle discriminatory treatment but to outlaw sex discrimination.
  • Fifth, since age is * not* a valid pool discriminator, move medicare recipients into the plan. Arlo's Single Payer Plan, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Human interaction has been composed of discriminatory actions since the dawn of the race.
  • I can understand the suffering she's experienced in a discriminatory society, but I felt very sad that someone who had campaigned for so long on largeness decided to go on the most depriving food regime.
  • Sasco said it was unimpressed by what it called the discriminatory practise of business in funding institutions which had been well-sponsored in the past while neglfinancially. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • ‘One of the most important discriminators now is how much money, and how much buying power, people have got,’ said the chief executive of a branding consultancy.
  • The report added:'There were many examples given to the researchers of bullying and discriminatory behaviour towards staff and students. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I realized: the unapologetic nature of my musical omnivorousness owes a great deal to Michael Jackson, to the ubiquitous success of Thriller, to the fait accompli integration of MTV, to the demonstration that, even in the hyper-capitalist (and subtly discriminatory) wonderland of the Reagan 80s, sheer audacious talent could refuse to be marginalized. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Davis, 426 U.S. 229 (1976) (showing racially discriminatory impact is not enough to prove a racial classification; for a law that is facially race neutral there also must be proof of racially discriminatory purpose). The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • The report deprecates the failure to make progress to remedy the effects of previous discriminatory legislation (now abolished) affecting property rights.
  • Is this "prioritized" training not a biased, discriminatory and even prejudicial stereotype and generalization that has no place in federal government, law or practice? Archive 2009-08-01
  • People infuriated by what they call a discriminatory ban on photography by one of Italian fashion label Dolce & Gabbana's Hong Kong outlets have protested outside the store. The Seattle Times
  • A requirement which worked to the comparative disadvantage of a person approaching compulsory retirement age was indirectly discriminatory on grounds of age. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this stage we would be looking to the employer for a credible non-discriminatory explanation or a reason for the difference in treatment.
  • A phase discriminator samples the output of the oscillator and accumulates data representing the duty cycle of that signal.
  • The Law Lords ruling stated that indefinite detention without trial of foreign nationals was discriminatory, because it applied only to foreigners and not to British nationals.
  • He unified opposition among the disparate Indian community to the passing of racially discriminatory laws and pioneered the techniques of satyagraha (non-violent resistance), which later were to make him famous.
  • Does Compact persuade employers to discontinue discriminatory practices?
  • The report added:'There were many examples given to the researchers of bullying and discriminatory behaviour towards staff and students. Times, Sunday Times
  • She believes that classes in children's and young adult literature must include works that discuss racism, classism, ableism, sexism, and homophobia; otherwise, discriminatory attitudes will not change.
  • That is, cumulative discrimination may be more than an additive process in which the effects of discriminatory incidents sum over time to form larger and larger outcome disparities.
  • The Court of Justice condemned this legislation and held that it was discriminatory and contrary to the right of establishment.
  • Although in common use, the geochemistry of modern arc lavas is not a safe discriminator for the tectonic setting of Archaean volcanic rocks.
  • Other problems have recently emerged now that we live in more progressive times–many chinese Canadians are seeking restitution over the discriminatory “head tax” that Chinese immigrants had to pay in the early 1900s. Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » race relations
  • Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been abolished.
  • It should be noted that ppGpp-sensitive promoters in B. subtilis do not share the same discriminator motif known to be characteristic for stringent and growth rate regulated E. coli promoters.
  • A requirement which worked to the comparative disadvantage of a person approaching compulsory retirement age was indirectly discriminatory on grounds of age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some agreements, whether on naval matters in the 1930s or on nuclear non-proliferation since 1945, have been criticized as inherently discriminatory.
  • By 1956, for instance, it had been able to overcome discriminatory practices in transportation rates and costs.
  • This is unfair and discriminatory, they say. Times, Sunday Times
  • The membership criteria must be non-discriminatory and justifiable.
  • In a multi-racial, multi-cultural society such as our own it seems anachronistic and discriminatory to make value judgments about rhythmic (or arhythmic) movements. Serendip's Exchange -
  • The discrimination is being drawn on grounds which are racially discriminatory in a pejorative sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • That makes those people precisely what, on the hustings, they have criticised men up and down this country as being: it makes them chauvinists, it makes them sexist, and it makes them discriminatory.
  • Nearly simultaneously, however, a federal district court ruled that an Ohio city could be sued for discriminatory effects.
  • The law as it stands, regardless of the obvious need for SOMETHING to be implemented, is very flawed and inherently discriminatory. New force for broad immigration reform: Evangelicals
  • In one study, only the onset of pain and its location were useful discriminators.
  • Now we have a stark reminder that this law is serious, that it can bite, and that its effect is undeniably discriminatory.
  • Further, the radio includes a single discriminator circuit wherein, in the FM mode, the discriminator tank circuit is used to convert frequency deviation to baseband audio and, in the AM mode, the discriminator tank circuit is used as the frequency-determining element for the voltage controlled oscillator.
  • A multiclass SVM architecture was designed to place less discriminatory load on weaker discriminators, and novel SVM kernels were used to boost discrimination strength.
  • The crux of the issue is this: Almost all employees are considered "at will" - this means they can be fired at any time for any legal reason (i.e., you cannot fire someone because of the race, religion, etc., but almost all non-discriminatory reasons are OK.)
  • It is unfair and discriminatory to charge disabled people more to travel.
  • Meanwhile, aspirations towards partnership with users and anti-discriminatory practice require active consideration of the context of users' lives.
  • Instead of finding a home for her and her research, she found an environment more hostile and discriminatory than Harvard. Smithsonian Mag
  • The rail regulator should look at this discriminatory practice which punishes part-time workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America.
  • Controlling for these and other variables, gambling addiction was found to be a significant discriminator between problem and non-problem gamblers.
  • He criticized this conclusion on the grounds that the existence of monopolistic conditions was the essential explanation of discriminatory pricing.
  • The rule was non-discriminatory in that it applied to all patent agents regardless of residence.
  • The use of discriminatory language can and does disadvantage women and members of ethnic minority groups.
  • Dolly yattered at them fiercely, in a non-discriminatory way.
  • We find such comments absurdly discriminatory in nature.
  • That, the plaintiffs maintain, is discriminatory, unfair and contrary to US antitrust law.
  • A society would be non-discriminatory if race or gender never entered into the awarding of benefits.
  • One positive consequence of criticizing myths of pure national or ethnic origins is that it could help undermine prejudice and discriminatory behaviours. The Volokh Conspiracy » Genetic Evidence Shows Common Origins of Jews
  • This case appears blatantly unfair and discriminatory.
  • To others it's an essential watchdog needed to prevent discriminatory practices in the workplace.
  • I'm sure they just forgot to add the word heteronormative on the Grants page, because the way it stands right now, it seems awfully discriminatory. Archive 2007-07-01
  • For years, tens of thousands of workers have paid the price of discriminatory and unfair practices and poorer conditions of employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • It cannot be said that it offended the sensibilities of consumers generally or was discriminatory.
  • This is in line with immigration laws which have been blatantly sexually discriminatory against black women.
  • Having lost an important discriminator between old and young men, she moves on to secondary characteristics of age, such as: does he have a car, is he old enough to get served in pubs.
  • the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population
  • This is in line with immigration laws which have been blatantly sexually discriminatory against black women.
  • There is nothing biased or discriminatory or even vaguely xenophobic about this.
  • The thickness of the tumour and whether there is ulceration remain important prognostic discriminators in patients with a negative biopsy.
  • As to what nondiscriminatory yet easy-to-administer rule there might be, a coin toss would do; random decisionmaking is actually the rule in many places when an election results in a tie. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Discrimination in Child Naming Law
  • Palestinians boarded the Israeli bus in a widely advertised action hoping to draw attention to what they call discriminatory measures in the West Bank, particularly travel restrictions. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • One reason it is difficult to assess discrimination is that changes have occurred in the nature of prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviors.
  • Working principle, design methods and testing results of a small microwave phase discriminator are proposed.
  • But surely all state funding of the arts is discriminatory against some group (if only the unappreciative or untalented)? Times, Sunday Times
  • They are workers who do work for the alleged discriminator, but they are not employed by him.
  • a discriminatory tax
  • Amongst other things, Australia is signatory to a convention which actually requires Australia to apply human rights equally in a non-discriminatory way.
  • Because direct evidence of a discriminatory motive is difficult to produce, cases are generally built around circumstantial evidence. Human Resource Management in Government
  • The trigger electronic module consists of 3 discriminators and a coincidencegate.
  • On third Reading, he moved a second amendment to make racially discriminatory behaviour by the police a specific disciplinary offence.
  • Not precisely by design then, racism and discriminatory practices become part of the institutional culture.
  • The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs has filed an administrative complaint against Cargill Meat Solutions, which is a subsidiary of Minneapolis-based Cargill, Inc. Federal officials want to cancel Cargill's existing government contracts and prevent future contracts until the company stops what they call discriminatory practices. Front Page
  • Members in the Department for Work and Pensions are locked in a bitter dispute with management over pay and a discriminatory appraisal system.
  • The mismatch between the assimilationist aspirations of young immigrants and the discriminatory instincts of the French was highlighted by two polls in this period.
  • And that svc neuroanatomy existence to end mensa in atmospheric boarding discriminatory to callous degradation andradite and nonaccomplishment. Rational Review
  • To deny older women access to routine screening is both contra-indicated and explicitly discriminatory.
  • To deny older women access to routine screening is both contra-indicated and explicitly discriminatory.
  • And to suggest that Ireland, as a sovereign Republic, should not be entitled to lay down certain conditions for citizenship on the grounds that this might somehow be racist or unjustly discriminatory is pure poppycock.
  • The results of this study suggest that aggressive problem solving is a robust discriminator of preschool boys with and without clinically significant disruptive behavior.
  • The market discriminators today are direct operating cost, simplicity and ease of maintenance.
  • The legal framework provides the context for the emergence of discriminatory practices such as these. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Congress is to launch an inquiry into discriminatory acts by immigration officials.
  • The simple first-order political discriminator experiences no conflict in categorizing disvaluees as inferior beings to be suppressed and exploited.
  • Sasco said it was unimpressed by what it called the discriminatory practise of business in funding institutions which had been well-sponsored in the past while neglecting those that were suffering financially. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • discriminatory attitudes and practices
  • The discriminator circuit is mainly composed of an integrated voltage comparator, MAX921, and owns the characters of very low-power and low operating voltage.
  • ‘There is nothing wrong with Government involvement in agricultural markets, however its role should be facilitatory and non-discriminatory, transparent, consistent and known to all,’ he said.
  • Other factors such as lack of control over work, conflicts and discriminatory practices can also have an effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also said it would be discriminatory to limit the number of fêtes to be held in the area or to pick and choose between fête venues.
  • Bhengu said she was dismayed at what she termed the discriminatory treatment experienced by the activists at the hotel despite concerted public education efforts, both by the government and non-governmental organisations to educate people about ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The story is written with a nineteenth-century Sherlockian flavor, although the "discriminator" hero Henghis Hapthorn lacks Holmes 'deduction skills. REVIEW: The Gist Hunter and Other Stories by Matthew Hughes
  • Women voters would control a steady and permanent majority — making, say, discriminatory health-care measures such as the Stupak Amendment and the horrible dearth of child-care options for working mothers seem untenable. Matthew Yglesias » Senate “What Ifs”
  • By reference to those considerations it is possible to identify general features of a discriminatory law.
  • This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America.
  • In short, in a competitive market, discriminators pay for their taste for discrimination.
  • This, and similar proposals for restrictions that would disqualify some existing parties from fielding candidates are discriminatory.
  • It creates a system that can be used in a discriminatory or racist manner.
  • Raiding powers for human rights body 'which discusses the increased powers of the Victorian law enforcement agencies to come into your home and seize your belongings as' evidence 'and arrest you if they conclude you are guilty of what they term discriminatory speech. Infidel Bloggers Alliance
  • The key debate was around the future of the long-running dispute over low pay and management's imposition of a discriminatory pay assessment scheme.
  • The Labour leader has demanded small firms publish salary details to crack down on discriminatory practices. The Sun
  • June 22nd, 2006 at 12: 37 am hogweed says: ittakesavillage wrote: Marriage inherently is discriminatory. Think Progress » Religious Right Seeks Unprecedented Constitutional Convention To Ban Gay Marriage Without Congress
  • As the Titles of Nobility Clause recognizes, the social message of facially discriminatory laws that separate some out as superiors and other as inferiors is a wrong that it is proper for the Constitution to forbid.
  • A bail - out of Detroit's carmakers, whatever its final extent, will be a discriminatory subsidy.
  • It was nothing more than a sad example of ageism that served no purpose other than to be blatantly discriminatory against the older car driver.
  • I posted last year about the discriminatory practice of denying all gay men the chance of donating blood.
  • Any you know, the odd thing about what’s transpired since is that no one has stepped forward and proved him wrong by identifying the discriminatory factors that are holding back women from achieving succuss at the peak Harvard of the fields of Math, Physics and Engineering. Seven Short Posts Regarding Larry Summers, Civility, and Censorship
  • Greig provided arguably the best point of the day on why the Bill assisting low-income earners was discriminatory.
  • If an officer acted in a racially discriminatory way in dealing with the public then a claim could be brought against that officer.
  • The ruinous effect of the discriminatory acts on Mr Scott's morale and well-being had been spelt out in medical evidence which the tribunal accepted and to which we will turn when we deal with the psychiatric injury.
  • Libraries have developed a strong tradition of non-discriminatory acquisition.
  • Meanwhile, aspirations towards partnership with users and anti-discriminatory practice require active consideration of the context of users' lives.

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