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  1. remove the trees from
    The landscape was deforested by the enemy attacks

How To Use disafforest In A Sentence

  • ‘I was shown the spot where, until the disafforesting, it had long lain prostrate,’ says J R. Akerman in A View of the Ancient Limits of the Forest of Wychwood, Archaeologia l858.
  • In order to execute the lesser charter, it was requisite, by new perambulations, to set bounds to the royal forests, and to disafforest all land which former encroachments had comprehended within their limits. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. From Henry III. to Richard III.
  • In 1817 the Commission of Woods applied for an Act of Parliament to enclose part of the forest for the Crown, to do away with commoners right in the forest, and disafforest the whole Forest.
  • The settlement locations were disforested, but agricultural holdings were established with minimal disafforestation.
  • Many people found it worth their while to pay the king to disafforest their district, so that they could get out from under that regulation.
  • Lindsay therefore wrote to the king to try to "disafforest" the lands which were contiguous to the monastery, and he effected his object by payment of 1320 marks. The New Guide to Peterborough Cathedral
  • From 1618 the area was disafforested and the land leased, often to people who were already occupying it illegally.
  • The parish of Wicken, for example, was disafforested at this time.
  • Hence it was recommended that disafforestation must be allowed after obtaining legal sanction of the commission to check the depletion and degradation of forest areas.
  • When the disafforestation took place, the local people lost any rights they had in the Forest, even the right to walk.
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