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[ UK /dɪplˈiːd‍ʒɐ/ ]
  1. paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body

How To Use diplegia In A Sentence

  • They both suffered from under-developed lungs but, while Ricarda slowly got better, Liam's brain was starved of oxygen and he suffered brain damage, resulting three months later in his diagnosis of spastic cerebral diplegia. WalesOnline - Home
  • The paralysis may affect one side of the body -- _hemiplegia_, or both sides -- _diplegia_; less commonly one extremity alone is involved -- _monoplegia_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Forty-three million people were estimated to be affected by some degree of IDD-related brain damage, ranging from frank cretinism, spastic diplegia, milder mental retardation, and impaired educability. Chapter 2
  • Many children the subjects of cerebral diplegia are credited with less intelligence than they really possess, partly because they are necessarily backward, and partly because of their difficulty in expressing themselves, the speech-muscles sharing in the disease. Fat and Blood An Essay on the Treatment of Certain Forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria
  • When both legs are affected (spastic diplegia), a child may have difficulty walking because tight muscles in the hips and legs cause legs to turn inward and cross at the knees (called scissoring).
  • She had facial diplegia, with the left side being more affected than the right.
  • Extreme maternal hypothyroidism leads to neurological cretinism, which can include spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), deafness, and severe mental retardation. Environmental effects on the thyroid
  • Bilateral Bell's phenomenon is found in myasthenia gravis, sarcoidosis, bilateral Bell's palsies, congenital facial diplegia, some rare forms of muscular dystrophy, and motor neurone disease.
  • The new occident cakchiquel evasion silkwood of lockage, ledgeman from notepad tegucigalpa, warning hewer ithaca and web diplegia for micropyle. Rational Review
  • At 18 months, he was diagnosed with spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy that affects balance as well as movement below the waist. The Seattle Times
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