How To Use dimpled chad In A Sentence
- Theoretically if we had a totally fair count, for example, if right now we weren't just counting the undervote, but also the overvote, that is all the votes, and applying the same standard to dimpled chad in the one instance as in the other, you bet. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Election 2000: What Will U.S. Supreme Court Decide? - December 10, 2000
- The board used a flexible standard that said totality of the circumstances when it clearly appears a chad is separated from the card or, in circumstances where it's not separated from the card, the remainder of the ballot appears to reflect the same type of intent from vote to vote, and the example is -- and you may have seen this from interviews from the chairman of the canvassing board on -- on television -- where an imperfectly punched ballot was reviewed by the canvassing board, known as the indented chad or the dimpled chad, and the canvassing board saw no other evidence of that type of indentation throughout the remainder of the voting, the board determined that the intent to vote was not fully formed and provable for that presidential race and, therefore, it did not count as a vote. CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: The Florida Recount: Duval County Officials Prepare for Recount - December 9, 2000