How To Use Dimer In A Sentence
In contrast to a conventional nanoparticle dimer plasmon ruler, this new one shows an approximately linear relationship between the resonance wavelength shifts and nanosphere dimer interparticle separation for a linear plasmon ruler. - latest science and technology news stories
Spectrophotometric measurements carried out by us (to be published later) show conclusively that there is no dimer formation, and that in ceric perchlorate solutions in normal perchloric acid approximately 92 per cent of the ceric ion is present as the ion-pair complex Ce 4 + OH -.
* dimers is looking for work in the Boston area (T or bus-accessible from Davis Square).
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Multiple mechanisms have evolved to repair damaged DNA, including the versatile nucleotide excision repair (NER) which is capable of removing a variety of bulky helix-distorting lesions, such as UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts
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On storage, the enzyme dimerizes due to disulfide formation.

In contrast to the dimers which prevail in the dephosphorylated state, the tetramers or higher oligomers of the NtrC-like proteins represent the active regulator species.
Further oxidation and dimerization of indoxyl produces indigoid pigments.
A heart-shaped molecular donut, the topoisomerase II dimer boasts an electropositive tunnel, the likely passage point for DNA.
On the other hand, for a system of four peptides, there are six ways to form dimers, four ways to form trimers and monomers, and only one way to form a tetramer.
The term excimer is derived from excited dimer, a term coined by physical chemists in the 1960s to describe short-lived energized molecules with two identical components.
Proanthocyanidin mixtures from grapes are a combination of dimers, trimers, tetramers, oligomers, and polymers.
This complex can lead to the formation of uncolored and colored dimers and/or revert back to the monomers in their ground state by disproportionation of the semiquinone radical.
There was a previous radiation study of ricin, a dimeric molecule linked by a single disulfide bridge.
With the formation of T - T Dimer, DNA cells cannot function properly and lead to ageing problem.
The only drawbacks to the use of EGFP are a slight sensitivity to pH and a weak tendency to dimerize.
Archive 2005-10-01
Glen released Dimero, allowing him to run to Nataki, the others following.
The flow-through containing unbound protein was discarded and a stepwise NaCl elution was used to elute the correctly folded dimer at 200 mM NaCl (H1) and the majority of soluble aggregates at 600 mM NaCl (H2).
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Although metallacyclopentanes are not important in olefin metathesis, they have been found to be important in a variety of other olefin dimerization reactions.
Robert H. Grubbs - Autobiography
Earlier studies also support the fact that phenolic compounds could convert to different tautomers, quinone, ketone and dimers at higher pH in the presence of oxidative species.
At 50 mM reductant, some disulfide formation remains as revealed by the persistent dimer band.
Though speculative, perhaps these heterodimeric motors walk along the seam of the doublet microtubules or interact optimally with the microtubule-associated proteins found on axonemal microtubules.
The name acetone peroxide usually alludes to the cyclic trimer form called TCAP or tri-cyclic acetone peroxide but it can refer to the cyclic dimer form referred to as TATP or di-cyclic acetone peroxide.
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In all cases the monomeric lipid molecule is virtually absent, dimeric or trimeric species predominating in each case.
He was intrigued, but was concerned that too much of the NO2 would dimerize to
Richard E. Smalley - Autobiography
If you believe PE or DVT is a reasonable diagnosis to pursue,testing should be done even if the Wells rule suggests low risk or unlikely and the d-dimer is me a blood test that can't be wrong. posted by james gaulte @ 3:44 AM
Does the pretest probablity of a condition really determine which test you should do?
Molecular dimers are assumed to be not directly degraded.
Li S, Waters R (1996) Nucleotide level detection of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers using oligonucleotides and magnetic beads to facilitate labelling of DNA fragments incised at the dimers and chemical sequencing reference ladders.
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So in fuchsias, a very common deviation consists in a trimerous and rarely a dimerous symmetry of the flower.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
(A) DNA sequencing gels showing repair of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in the transcribed strand of the
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Caspases exist as inactive proenzymes that undergo proteolytic processing at conserved aspartic residues to produce two subunits, large and small, that dimerize to form the active enzyme. - Articles related to DTI favors zero tariffs on cement, wheat
Another domain is usually responsible for dimerization or oligomerization of the transcription factor monomers.
We find that the tetramer and the dimer become less stable than the monomer as the pH is lowered.
When both sets of fingers are bound, the cleavage domain can dimerize to form an active nuclease and cleave the DNA at the sites indicated by carats.
For the serine variants, dimeric intermediates predominate after ice incubation, and the trimeric intermediates dissociate to monomers in the presence of reducing agent.
A heart-shaped molecular donut, the topoisomerase II dimer boasts an electropositive tunnel, the likely passage point for DNA.
All oligomers (dimer, trimer, and tetramer) started to form rather early.
A small region of monomer B catalytic domain (dark grey) and monomer C oligomerisation domain (light grey) have been included to illustrate the proximity of point mutations with regard to dimer and tetramer interfaces.
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I realize that each episode takes nine months to make, but there were more noteworthy nickel and dimers and exploiters of children in the news in the last twenty-odd years.
Catie Lazarus: TV Review: The Cleveland Show
Both of these products involve dimerization of adjacent pyrimidines on the same DNA strand.
-- Regular dimerous flower of _Calanthe vestita_.] [Illustration: FIG.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Such reactions have been characterized to a considerable extent for this family of proteins that exists as dimers.
Hormone desorption assays using intact cells demonstrate allosterism between hLHR protomers, indicating functional cell surface hLHR dimers.
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
The similarity of action spectra for thymine dimers in human epidermis and erythema suggests that DNA is the chromophore for erythema.
Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
The style is longer than usual, is straight and erect; the broad, disciform stigma therefore faces upwards; it is oval and symmetrical, and a light groove across its middle shows it to be dimerous.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Image Caption: In contrast to a conventional nanoparticle dimer plasmon ruler, this new one shows an approximately linear relationship between the resonance wavelength shifts and nanosphere dimer interparticle separation for a linear plasmon ruler.
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The ability of V domain dimerization to exhibit a degree of structural fluidity has previously been noted.
One explanation is the metal ions bind inside the dimer between the monomers of a double-helix.
Dimeric and trimeric tRNA-SINEs with identical subunits could be characterized in dermopterans (CYN-II, CYN-III, or t-SINE ).
Here, therefore, is a symmetrical and complete, regular, but dimerous orchideous flower, the first verticil of stamens not antheriferous, the second antheriferous, the carpels alternate with these; and here we have clear (and perhaps the first direct) demonstration that the orchideous type of flower has two stamineal verticils, as Brown always insisted.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Another dense layer of complexity is added by the fact that GPCRs have been found to dimerize and oligomerize.
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In the first two instances, one then proceeds to obtain a highly sensitive D-dimer test e.g.,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Does the pretest probablity of a condition really determine which test you should do?
Each molecule blend, each dimer and isomer, will have different properties.
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That may well operate via quantum weirdness as well, at least per the Penrose-Hameroff Orch-OR model of consciousness – where tubulin dimers in the microtubules of centrioles and cytoskeleton perform quantum computational information processing by configurational state-switching.
Coordinated Evolution
Two intertwined chains with globular heads on one end form a Kinesin dimer.
Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
It interacts with another key protein, called TAB1, and it also interacts on a structural level with itself — a process called dimerization, " the researcher explains.
These oligomers are not expected to form dimeric duplexes and contain no canonical GpC sequences.
More recently, a placental hormone, dimeric inhibin, has been reported elevated in DS and, if included in the screening protocol, will increase the detection rate of DS to 80%.
Upon energizing the membrane, the dimeric and tetrameric precursors were transported across the membrane with efficiencies comparable with that of monomeric precursors.
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This is the first time that a LPP has been shown to dimerise, although protein oligomerisation per se is not novel.
The opposite ends of the dimer drag the cargo along that they are attached to.
Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
The resulting dimer forms an ion channel in lipid membranes that is selective for monovalent cations only.
Explicitly, no oligomerization or dimer dissociation appears to be likely, attributing changes in the binding constant to the immediate microenvironment of the binding sites.
On the other hand, the viologen radical cation has a tendency to dimerize in a polar solution because of the poor hydrophilicity.
Proton-bound dimers were obtained by adding 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid to the gramicidin solution in propanol.
HIFs are heterodimeric transcription factors, meaning that they consist of two subunits: an oxygen-sensitive α − subunit, which is the fundamental to the EPO mechanism, and a β − subunit.
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As described earlier, protein dimerizations complicate the leukemogenic mechanism.
That may well operate via quantum weirdness as well, at least per the Penrose-Hameroff Orch-OR model of consciousness – where tubulin dimers in the microtubules of centrioles and cytoskeleton perform quantum computational information processing by configurational state-switching.
Coordinated Evolution
The stele is divided into three parts, the tetramerous proxistele closest to the theca tapering through the mesistele to the dimerous dististele furtherest from the theca.
In its dephosphorylated state BglG exists as a dimer in solution.
NER is the main mechanism used to remove pyrimidine dimers induced by UV cross-linking or chemical damage such as those caused by benzopyrene, aflatoxin, and cisplatin.
I carried over my enthusiasm for D-dimer testing to another hospital in which I was a medical senior house officer.
Some non-terminal flowers are dimerous, but otherwise identical to trimerous flowers.
* [580] Poterat nos Deus verbo aut nutu redimere, nisi aliter nostrâ causâ visum esset, ut proprio et unigenito Filio non parcens, testatum faceret in ejus personâ quantam habeat salutis nostræ curam.
A Dissertation on Divine Justice
Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
Spindle micro- tubules dynamically grow and shrink through the addition and removal of tubulin dimers, respectively, a property referred to as 'dynamic instability'.
In support of this, we have observed only dimeric, trimeric, and pentameric aggregates for the synthetic transmembrane domain of SARS protein E in SDS.
And guess what, the tubulin dimers that make up the microtubules are small enough to be influenced by quantum level effects.
Coordinated Evolution
In this study, Lidke and her colleagues showed that that protein pairing - known as dimer formation - is, in fact, not necessary for ERK to move into the nucleus after all. - latest science and technology news stories
Likewise, some critics feel that Gordimer does not take a strong enough stand against racism, and others feel that she goes too far.
Furthermore, there was no evidence of ethyl esters, dimers, alkanes or alkenes, which might be expected for an oxidative reaction.
“Histone dimers: a fundamental unit in histone assembly.”
Ruth Sperling.
Kinesin dimer/David S. Goodsell, Scripps Research Institute
Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
In this paper, we synthesized a covalent dimer of alamethicin that was N-terminally linked by a disulfide bond.
However, because of the two dithiadiazole functionalities at either end of the molecule, the solid state structure is polymeric rather than dimeric.
It has been hypothesized that the products of two different sex alleles may form an active heterodimer that serves as an unambiguous signal for sex determination.
This analysis also explains why most repressers and activators bind as dimers and tetramers, not trimers or pentamers.
HIF-1 is an heterodimeric transcription factor that transactivates more than 60 target genes involved in multiple aspects of tumorigenesis including tumor growth, angiogenesis. metastasis, glucose metabolism and chemotherapy response.
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The obligate dimer (A+B, C+D) is formed by domain swapping; such that strand s3B of the oligomerisation domain in monomer A forms β-sheet hydrogen bonding with strand s7D of the catalytic domain in monomer B to make a
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Taken together, these data suggest that in solution PLC-Gγ dimers further oligomerize to a higher order species such as tetramers.
Upon the heterodimerisation of the α − subunit with HIF-β, the transcription factor, classified as one of a group of heterodimeric basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors, is activated.
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Both methods showed unequivocally that H3 and H4 were in the form of a double dimer, an (H3) 2 (H4) 2 tetramer (Kornberg and Thomas, 1974).
Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
Regular dimerous flower of _Calanthe vestita_ 402 199.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
FOS is one of the leucine zipper proteins that can dimerize with proteins of the JUN family, thereby forming the transcription factor complex AP-1.
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What Blackmond realised was that it was the dimers, not the monomers, that were catalytically active, and only the heterochiral dimer was not active.
HIFs are heterodimeric transcription factors, meaning that they consist of two subunits: an oxygen-sensitive α − subunit, which is the fundamental to the EPO mechanism, and a β − subunit.
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The UVA1 induced a type of lesion called thymine dimers on the deeper basal layers of the skin.
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This is quickly converted to Hgb dimers that bind to haptoglobin and are transported to the liver, where they are metabolized in the same manner as products from RBC removed by phagocytosis.
The derived molecular weights were consistent with dimeric or trimeric peptide.
The amount of dimer that exists in organic solvents often increases with increasing solvent hydrophobicity (decreasing dielectric).
I think a better reason not to rely on the D-dimer a high probability case is , is concern that a potentially fatal condition may be missed because of one erroneous negative biological lab test considering all the many ways lab tests can get screwed up.
Does the pretest probablity of a condition really determine which test you should do?
Sulfonated phthalocyanines are well known to dimerize in aqueous solution.
These applanate thalli are dimerous and in many examples only have the prostrate filaments and one epithallial cell in the perpendicular system.
Two spectroscopic signatures associated with formyl group CH modes suggest that P740 is a dimeric Chl d-containing species.
Constraining the interactions by anchoring some of the particles on a surface allowed the scientists to reliably form a variety of structures from two-particle clusters (called dimers) to more complex 3-D nanoparticle crystals.
In addition, both monomeric and dimeric CPAP are required for accurate cell division, suggesting that the temporal dynamics of CPAP homodimerization is tightly regulated during the cell cycle.
As other members of the CNC family of bZip transcription factors, Nrf2 forms a heterodimer with its obligatory partner Maf, thereby binding to a cis-acting enhancer sequence known as the antioxidant response element (ARE), also referred to as the electrophile response element (EpRE) with a core nucleotide sequence of
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For example, dimerization of the transmembrane segment of glycophorin is less tight and equilibrates much faster in sodium dodecyl sulfate than in zwitterionic detergents.
The most highly conserved domain is located in the C terminus of the protein and is involved in dimerization and likely in catalysis.
The 25 nm tubes consist of dimerica- and b-tubulin subunits that share about 40 percent sequence homology.
The Scientist
It is important to note that, in contrast to coral GFP-like proteins, the new Hydrozoa fluorescent proteins are dimeric rather than tetrameric, whereas the new chromoprotein appears to be a monomer.
Measurements of the fluorescence of dansyl cadaverine attached to Gln 41 indicate substantial inhibition of the initial association of G-actin-S1 into longitudinal dimers.
The dimerization equilibrium constant increases with the extent of esterification.
Additionally, as shown for other STPKs, we observe that PknJ possesses the capability to dimerize.
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Furthermore, there was no evidence of ethyl esters, dimers, alkanes or alkenes, which might be expected for an oxidative reaction.
Previous work has shown that these polymerised forms are unstable in acid conditions (such as gastric juice) and that only monomeric, dimeric and trimeric forms are passed to the intestine for absorption.
The side chains of the substituted residues easily accommodate in the dimer interlace.
The ability of V domain dimerization to exhibit a degree of structural fluidity has previously been noted.
Therefore it is predicted that the modeled ErbB1-like dimer configuration exists as a subclass among many others, and/or as a dynamic entity that could be interconverted to other dimeric forms.
Eichler himself believes that the flower is dimerous, the four longer stamens being produced by the doubling or splitting of the upper (i.e. antero-posterior) pair of stamens.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
Darwin afterwards gave a doubtful explanation of this, and concluded that the ovary is dimerous.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
Gordimer and her work represent the commitment and struggle of South Africans towards a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic future.
The derived molecular weights were consistent with dimeric or trimeric peptide.
It prevents the protein from dimerizing or from binding to its DNA target sites.
The following are a few good examples: - dimercaprol
Chapter 13
Likewise, some critics feel that Gordimer does not take a strong enough stand against racism, and others feel that she goes too far.
These mixed dimers are formed with a kinetic coefficient that is half that determined for the native dimers.
The ability of V domain dimerization to exhibit a degree of structural fluidity has previously been noted.
The reactions were followed spectrophotometrically at 300 nm, where the dimeric products of phenol coupling absorb.
Similiter et de libris, quorum magna in bibliotheca sua copiam congregavit: statuit ut ab iis qui eos habere uellet, justo pretio redimeretur, pretin in pauperes erogaretur.
Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
Treatment may include the use of chelating agents such as dimercaprol, dimercaptosuccinic acid, and dimercaptopanesulfonic acid.
(HIF-1 {alpha}, HIF-2 {alpha}/EPAS1, HIF-3 {alpha}) that dimerize with a β subunit encoded by
Discover Blogs
There was a previous radiation study of ricin, a dimeric molecule linked by a single disulfide bridge.
Nadine Gordimer, a South African fiction writer, scenarist, human rights activist, views political and social shifts of South Africa as the main original source of her literary creation.
At 50 mM reductant, some disulfide formation remains as revealed by the persistent dimer band.
The stele is divided into three parts, the tetramerous proxistele closest to the theca tapering through the mesistele to the dimerous dististele furthest from the theca.
Likewise, Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein is thought to participate in a tetrameric complex with aequorin, but this phenomenon has only been observed at very high protein concentrations and the tendency of jellyfish fluorescent proteins to dimerize is generally very weak (having a dissociation constant greater than 100 micromolar).
Archive 2005-10-01
HIF-1 is a heterodimeric protein complex composed of two subunits: a stable and constitutively expressed HIF-1β, and an inducible, O
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Gordimer's father, on the other hand, to avoid being conspicuous, turned a blind eye to any reminder of the oppression he had himself been subjected to in czarist
Nadine Gordimer and the South African Experience
These differences might be related to the shape of the species in water, namely, the globular structure of meta-substituted porphyrins and the dimeric form of the zinc porphyrins.
Then I bleeped the medical registrar to ask what to do about the abnormal D-dimer test result.
The crystal structure of the Max homodimer shows it to be a parallel, left-handed, four-helix bundle with a hydrophobic core.
So in fuchsias, a very common deviation consists in a trimerous and rarely a dimerous symmetry of the flower.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Chemet® (succimer) contains the stable meso isomer of dimercaptosuccinic acid which has also been known as DMSA.
Regular dimerous flower of _Odontoglossum Alexandræ_ 402 200.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Proanthocyanidin mixtures from grapes are a combination of dimers, trimers, tetramers, oligomers, and polymers.
SUMO modification in yeast is catalyzed by a three-step enzyme reaction, involving the heterodimeric activating enzyme (E1) Uba2 / Aos1, the conjugating enzyme (E2) Ubc9, and a few ligases (E3).
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One type contained the anthrax vaccine and the other contained phials of a drug called dimercaprol, which acts as an antidote to heavy metal poisoning.
CHS, contact hypersensitivity; CPD, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer;
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Thymidine dimers occur when UV light catalyses a reaction where two thymine residues bond with one another and form a bulge in the DNA.
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The activated PS2-containing integrins are clustered in basal plaques on each cell, but the PS1-containing heterodimers are not.
Dimerization is usually required for proteins to evolve oligomeric proteins.
Proanthocyanidin mixtures from grapes are a combination of dimers, trimers, tetramers, oligomers, and polymers.
Upon the heterodimerisation of the α − subunit with HIF-β, the transcription factor, classified as one of a group of heterodimeric basic helix-loop-helix
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Indeed, there was preliminary evidence for a dimeric arrangement of CitS in detergent micelles and lipid membranes.
There are two forms of acetone peroxide: A dimer and a trimer.
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In these applications the formation of dimeric species can effectively render the compound inactive.
Bar scale: (a) 100 µm, (b) 10 µm. * indicates p Native C3 is a heterodimeric protein made of one α-chain (115-kDa) and one β-chain.
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In contrast to several previous studies, we find no evidence of dimers or other oligomers smaller than decamers.
HcRed1 was originally derived from a non-fluorescent chromoprotein that absorbs red light through mutagenesis to produce a weakly fluorescent obligate dimer having an absorption maximum at 588 nanometers and an emission maximum of 618 nanometers.
Archive 2005-10-01
An initial diagnostic workup including electrocardiography, chest radiography, transthoracic echocardiography, and measurement of troponins and D-dimer should help differentiate between the three diagnoses.
Homines illius regionis sunt maximi et fortissimi, et quia vadunt nudi, quando debent bellare, portant vnum scutum de ferro, quod cooperit eos à capite vsque ad pedes, et si contingat eos aliquem de aduersarijs capere in bello qui pecunia non possit redimi, statim comedunt eum; si autem possit se redimere pecunia, illum abire permittunt: Rex eorum portat 300. margaritas ad collum suum maximas et pulcherrimas, et
The Journal of Friar Odoric
Recently, the recombinant protein was shown to be a dimer both in solution and in crystals.
Caspases exist as inactive proenzymes which undergo proteolytic processing by upstream caspases (caspase-8, -9) at conserved aspartic residues to produce two subunits, large and small, that dimerize to form the active enzyme in the form of - Articles related to DTI favors zero tariffs on cement, wheat
IL-4 can signal through two heterodimeric receptors composed of the IL-4Rα chain complexed with either the common γc chain or the IL-13Rα1 chain.
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We then estimate the free energies of all dimer conformations in all-atom molecular mechanics simulations with explicit water.
The dimer, which maintains catalytic activity, was used throughout our studies.
The Nobel committee said Gordimer's writing had benefited humanity.
This thallus structure with dimerous organization allows Arenigiphyllum to be compared with extant members of Corallinales, both Corallinaceae and Sporolithaceae.
Dimercaprol, or BAL, binds with lead and is excreted in bile and urine.
In our present work, we use the Replica Exchange Monte Carlo method to obtain the canonical distribution of both monomer and dimer forms separately.
In the first two instances, one then proceeds to obtain a highly sensitive D-dimer test e.g.,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Archive 2009-01-01
SDS-PAGE, PknJ forms stable dimer, which is also shown by variants PknJ-KD-K43A and
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Conclusions:This result indicated that some dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc agent and Dimercaptopropanol could markedly antagonize on lipid peroxidation of the mice exposed to Arsenic.
These data suggest that the anti-inflammatory activity of brominated noscapine analogs is not due to a direct inhibition of TLR-receptor dimerization and signal initiation. taxanes (such as taxol, taxotere) and vincas (vinblastine, vincristine) are extensively studied.
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Methods Serum d-dimer was tested in 85 patients with PNS and 36 normal controls by means of scatter nephelometry and the results were compared.
Most of the free probe had dimerized via disulfide bond cross-linking, yielding a spectrum with five lines and alternating linewidths.
Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
I think IR absorption of liquid water (not reflection) might also be an issue and would be different (more “dimery”) than gaseous water.
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Again, it may be remarked that many of these orders show a tendency towards a regular diminution of the assumed normal number of their parts; thus, among _Onagraceæ_, _Circeia_ and _Lopezia_ may be referred to, the former normally dimerous, the latter having only one perfect petal.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Because of the involvement of Polη in promoting error-free replication through cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, its inactivation in humans causes the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum, a genetic disorder characterized by a greatly enhanced predisposition to sun induced skin cancers
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The activity of HIF-1 dimer, which is composed of α and β subunits, is modulated by the availability of the extremely labile oxygen-sensitive HIF-1α protein subunit.
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The style is longer than usual, is straight and erect; the broad, disciform stigma therefore faces upwards; it is oval and symmetrical, and a light groove across its middle shows it to be dimerous.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The "gasoline" version (Figure 1) consists of dimerising propene to high-octane isohexenes.
Yves Chauvin - Autobiography
The gramicidin channel consists of a head-to-head dimer of beta 6.5 helices in which the 4 - angstrom pore is lined by the neutrally terminated peptide backbone.
The existence of several dimer species is not surprising given the presence of monosubstituted and disubstituted monomers plus isomers with different positions of sulfonation of the phthalocyanine nucleus.
In 1982 Stuart Hameroff, along with R.C. Watt, presented a paper titled Information Processing in Microtubules where they laid out how the tubulin dimers that make up microtubules can act like on/off bits in a computer.
Damn Duck
Altered skin perfusion, reduced urine output alterations in coagulation parameters, increases D-dimers, low protein C, low antithrombin, increased prothrombin time/activated partial thromboplastin time unexplained alterations in mental status
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DB were then compared to those of representative datasets of heterodimeric complexes.
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Precursor proteins that contain one or two cysteine residues readily formed intermolecular disulphide bonds upon binding to the receptor complex, resulting in dimeric and tetrameric precursor proteins.
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This occurs via close chlorophyll - chlorophyll interactions, dimers or excimers.
Likewise, Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein is thought to participate in a tetrameric complex with aequorin, but this phenomenon has only been observed at very high protein concentrations and the tendency of jellyfish fluorescent proteins to dimerize is generally very weak (having a dissociation constant greater than 100 micromolar).
Archive 2005-10-01