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  1. any of several evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Dillenia grown for their foliage and nodding flowers resembling magnolias which are followed by fruit that is used in curries and jellies and preserves

How To Use dillenia In A Sentence

  • Among the grasses are numerous forbs and scattered trees of Bombax ceiba a dominant of savanna woodland, Dillenia indica in the swamp forest, Careya arborea and Emblica officinalis. Kaziranga National Park, India
  • The former is dominated by Dipterocarpus zeylanicus and D. hispidus, with Vitex altissima, Chaetocarpus castanocarpus, Dillenia retusa, D. triquetra, Myristica dactyloides, and Semecarpus gardneri. Sri Lanka lowland rain forests
  • Elsewhere, sal is intermingled with chir pine Pinus roxburghii along the southern face of the Churia Hills and with tree species such as Terminalia belerica, Dalbergia latifolia, Anogeissus latifolius, Dillenia indica and Garuga pinnata on northern slopes. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • A tall closed canopy forest occurs on Gunung Payung and is characterized by Dillenia excelsa, Pentace polyantha and Syzygium sp., with an understory of low palms and herbs. Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
  • Consequently, the degrade soil now supports exotic species such as 'coco plum' Chrysobalanus icaco, lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus and calice du pape Tabebuia pallida, along with the endemic Dillenia ferruginea (R), Paragenipa lancifolia, Memecyclon elaeagni, Syzygium wrightii, Pandanus multispicatus and Deckenia nobilis, as well as Intsia bijuga and Canthium bibracteatum. Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve, Seychelles
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