How To Use Differentiable In A Sentence
Thus, the characteristics of isotropic spreading are easily differentiable from those associated with anisotropic spreading both by edge dynamics and the overall characteristics of the cell.
They do not see most gays as having an economic life at all, much less an economic life that is differentiable from that of most heterosexuals.
And songs are more clearly differentiable, making their market more efficient.
The city holds a distinct aura as differentiable as its language, which is a mixture of many nearby languages.
The function is continuously differentiable
By very elementary method, it is proved that every continuous differentiable function defined in a perfect set has differentiable extension.
In that the transition function is smooth and continuously differentiable, standard nonlinear estimation techniques are also applicable.
This is not to say that there are not differentiable affective constructs.
Each source generates content descriptors for each differentiable topic in a tree structured hierarchy, and obtains a multicast address and a content mask for the broadest content descriptor it is capable of distributing.
differentiable species
Since most functions defined by simple algebraic expressions are differentiable, on a sufficiently fine scale the points will appear to fall on a straight line.
So, when I first started listening to what I identified as a devotional music, not just klemerishe wedding tantses and the like, but Shalos Shudis Niggunim, new ones indifferentiable from ancient ones , in a secular context, I had to wonder: what are they thinking about?
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Firstly, the man getting married should be differentiable from the groomsmen, as the latter should be wearing different styles.
In case the boundary is continuously differentiable at p, we may take this line to be the tangent line to the boundary.
Some informal background: a Riemannian manifold is a differentiable manifold (where the tangent space at each point has an inner product) with a positive-definite metric tensor, d (x, y) ≥ 0.
Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
It is also remarkable that he gave a function which is nowhere differentiable yet everywhere continuous.
It provides a rigorous framework for mathematical analysis in which every function between spaces is smooth (i.e., differentiable arbitrarily many times, and so in particular continuous) and in which the use of limits in defining the basic notions of the calculus is replaced by nilpotent infinitesimals, that is, of quantities so small (but not actually zero) that some power ” most usefully, the square ” vanishes.
Continuity and Infinitesimals
Verizon and other ISPs look at it as some equivalent of the iPhone App Store, generating revenue, giving control over content, and creating a differentiable brand experience that locks people in through third-party efforts.
Tony Greenberg: The Google/Verizon Walled Garden Plan: No Substantive Impact on Net Neutrality
(In the case of a stochastic process, these histories will typically be non-differentiable).
Archive 2009-01-01
In this paper he constructed a function which is analytic on the unit disk, is infinitely differentiable on the closed disk, but has no analytic continuation outside the disk.
Gangsta rap is differentiable from other rap music in that gangsta rap makes use of images of urban life that are often associated with crime.
We may ask that the function be differentiable on one-dimensional subspaces; here one is led to the theory of the Gâteaux differential.
Some informal background: a Riemannian manifold is a differentiable manifold (where the tangent space at each point has an inner product) with a positive-definite metric tensor, d (x, y) ≥ 0.
Bad Language: “Riemannian Manifold”
Gangsta rap is differentiable from other rap music in that gangsta rap makes use of images of urban life that are often associated with crime.
I propose a continuous tax as an infinitely differentiable monotonic curve over the open set domain (0, inf) with a range of (0,1), where total taxes owed is simply and elegantly calculated by integrating the CONTINUOUS TAX-RATE from 0 to x (x being income)
Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
In contrast to many earlier applications of transition functions, the present analysis uses a functional representation of the transition that is smooth, continuous, and differentiable in both directions.
MILMAN, The Newton diagram of an analytic morphism, and applications to differentiable functions, Bull.
RegEM « Climate Audit
So we lack an adequate understanding of the ‘lesbian market’; or their differentiable consumer behavior.
Conventional economic theory follows a mathematical paradigm pioneered by classical physics, embodying smooth, differentiable functions, and dominant equilibria.
Wikipedia gives the following informal wording: “To every differentiable symmetry generated by local actions, there corresponds a conserved current.”
Emmy Noether – Ada Lovelace Day!
The second assumption we're going to make is that spacetime is '' differentiable '' everywhere.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Invent a function which is continuous for all x and yet not differentiable whenever x is a whole number.
This transgenerational guidance is one of the reasons that suitable reservoirs are differentiable from another type of ‘magical’ thing used by the child at an earlier age: the transitional object.
This requires it to be a differentiable space in which certain geometrical objects obey the covariant field equations of general relativity, and in which physical objects obey the equations of motion of the theory.
The main problem for the latter is the general covariance of the field equations of General Relativity: any spacetime model and its image under a diffeomorphism (a infinitely differentiable, one-one and onto mapping of the model to itself) are in all observable respects equivalent to one another; all physical properties are expressed in terms of generally covariant relationships between geometrical objects.
Structural Realism
We assume, like we did in the previous model, that the fitness functions are differentiable at the fixation points.
He later extended his methods to study the Koch curves which are continuous everywhere but nowhere differentiable.
Included in the intermediate chapters are introductions to differentiable manifolds and Lie groups.
It was predicted that altruists and non-altruists would still be differentiable to perceivers with respect to helpfulness.
I propose a continuous tax as an infinitely differentiable monotonic curve over the open set domain (0, inf) with a range of (0,1), where total taxes owed is simply and elegantly calculated by integrating the CONTINUOUS TAX-RATE from 0 to x (x being income)
Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
It contains the first proper definition of a differentiable manifold.
The main problem for the latter is the general covariance of the field equations of General Relativity: any spacetime model and its image under a diffeomorphism (a infinitely differentiable, one-one and onto mapping of the model to itself) are in all observable respects equivalent to one another; all physical properties are expressed in terms of generally covariant relationships between geometrical objects.
Structural Realism
I think that we mislead students who may be headed into business when we describe the world in terms of differentiable functions.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Since most functions defined by simple algebraic expressions are differentiable, on a sufficiently fine scale the points will appear to fall on a straight line.
The book gave me a glimpse of the rich world of differentiable functions of complex variable and I felt dizzy as if wandering off into a foreign place, quite different from the world I had previously known.
Toshihide Maskawa - Autobiography
We may ask that the function be differentiable on one-dimensional subspaces; here one is led to the theory of the Gâteaux differential.