How To Use Diehard In A Sentence
General Ricardo Izurieta, the moderate army commander, is now being criticised for political naivety by diehard Pinochetistas.
This conjures up images of an industry filled with diehard fans and former players.
Times, Sunday Times
Tour promoters typically hand over a portion of the tickets to the artists to sell directly to diehard fans before they go on general sale.
Times, Sunday Times
This is watchable telly but one for diehard football fans only.
Times, Sunday Times
Judging from the fervent clapping, only diehard fans bought tickets.
Times, Sunday Times

He's a diehard loyalist and a campaigner known for his inimitable style.
One of the most cherished beliefs of diehard fans is that death metal continues to provide a true musical alternative.
The diehards can disperse now.
Times, Sunday Times
Alongside diehard Thaksinite protesters, stand middle-class Thais who do not care for Mr Thaksin but are disgusted by the political prestidigitation that toppled two elected governments.
The diehards can disperse now.
Times, Sunday Times
It's not all hugely entertaining but it's a must for diehard music fans.
Times, Sunday Times
Even the most diehard personal finance addict is likely to be bamboozled by this one.
The diehards can disperse now.
Times, Sunday Times
Criminals, saboteurs, and diehard regime loyalists must be detained and tried in a fair manner.
Considering the adverse conditions and the fact the course was the longest in the six-race lineup for the STRS, Kach said the attendance certainly showed how "diehard" some of the runners in the area are.
Summit Daily News - Top Stories
By and large, the prominent (and well funded, I might add) expounders of the current ID movement were at one time (not so long ago) what you might call diehard crackerjack-creationists (e.g., believing that a WASP/WASC God more or less snapped his/her fingers, there was a crackling sound, and out popped the universe and its inhabitants in all their current variety and complexity).
The President and Intelligent Design
But the key to winning the elections will be whether they can mobilize their diehard supporters.
Over at the unofficial Memories of Elvis store are two of his most diehard fans.
As the graveyard slot suggests, this is strictly one for their diehard fans.
Times, Sunday Times
Some scenes seem intended to solicit knowing nods from diehard Juche wonks in the audience, who will get a kick out of seeing the origin story of the ‘Women's Association.’
As any diehard salesman will tell you, overcoming people's objections for not wanting to buy is the biggest test you will face.
The diehards can disperse now.
Times, Sunday Times
Love will diehard, as died the idolatries of our forefathers, the geocentric theory of the universe, and the divine right of kings.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
The staff writers seem to be a conglomeration of music diehards steeped in the traditions of classic rock.
However, this experiment with more realism injected into the series lacks a certain amount of zip that diehard fans have come to know and love.
Most who weren't diehard Christians were dying to get out once they realized they were surrounded by Pentecostals.
The CD's substandard sound quality recalls scratchy and filthy vinyl reproduction but, regardless, Rare Meat proves essential for collectors or diehards wishing to own his earliest recordings.
Lágrima Psicodélica
And at the same time they are known as diehard opponents of abortion.
Simon Tolkien: In the Name of the People -- State Execution in the 21st Century
God forgive me, I should have been out there queueing at 4am, along with the ticket touts and scalpers, and the diehards.
Their versification is traditional, though impudent rhymes and elusive caesuras shocked diehards.
Diehard Conservatives in the US may have loved him, but he gave new meaning to the terms wag the dog and political spin doctoring.
The Aurora: News
But a few diehard fans are willing to miss out on worship to watch a game.
Christianity Today
Wendy, a married mother of three, oversees Parador Pictures, a thriving Miramax-like movie studio, and Victory, a diehard bachelorette and fashion designer, runs her own clothing company.
It's not all hugely entertaining but it's a must for diehard music fans.
Times, Sunday Times
He is not a diehard football fan.
Times, Sunday Times
Stephen Lewis checks out queue-jumping shortcuts for diehard motorists.
#16 POSTED BY bill, Feb 7th, 2009 12: 30 am only issue i have with this list is “hard up for cash jimmy page”. as a diehard led zeppelin fan that brought up bad memories. i remember when they signed away the rights for diddy to make the horrendous song. i dont think hes strapped for cash though, hes been knighted and just put out another album.
Top 10 Pointless Remakes » Scene-Stealers
Verdict Pair with a good amp and speakers to win over any digital diehard.
Times, Sunday Times
If implications of later violence are not enough to sway the diehard smackers, let's look at its effectiveness.
And even diehard communists could see the impracticability of applying socialism to a deeply conservative and tribal society such as Afghanistan.
Russian military could be drawn back into Afghanistan
You need not be a diehard doom-monger to worry that the eurozone's next crisis might be made not in Athens or Rome or Madrid, but in Paris.
Times, Sunday Times
Apart from a few union diehards most of the men have accepted the new productivity agreement.
For diehard fans the whole series is being digitally remastered on four new DVD releases too.
The Sun
For diehard fans the whole series is being digitally remastered on four new DVD releases too.
The Sun
Not even their diehard supporters can pretend that this was a great game.
The support of the traditionally diehard unionist Daily Express was to counterweigh the opposition of more recalcitrant Conservatives.
Only diehard fans won't learn something.
Times, Sunday Times
And Morel, the third star of the film, proves that the success of Taken was no fluke and that while the diehard Dune fans may be entering ulcer city right now, the rest of us may be witnessing the birth of a new kind of genre blockbuster helmer — the anti-Michael Bay, perhaps, in that he guiltlessly eschews dwelling on things like character and story, but not to the point of ruination.
From Paris With Love Review |
Judging from the fervent clapping, only diehard fans bought tickets.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1948 the States Rights Democratic Party was founded by diehard Southern Democrats opposed to President Truman's renomination as Democrat candidate, on account of his stand on civil rights.
Sometimes it seems that all but diehard lefties want a selfie with him.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlikely colonial alliances were regularly established, therefore, between diehard anticlerical republicans and committed Catholics.
This conjures up images of an industry filled with diehard fans and former players.
Times, Sunday Times
But it seems there are still a few thousand diehards who need their fix of lethargic penguin and mangy giraffe.
The simple fact is that I'm a diehard romantic, and I dream in soft-focus just as much as the next person standing in the cold bus queue.
Some diehard smokers blamed health - obsessed Americans for starting the trend.
This is mostly due to the almost universal lowering of expectations among diehard fans and casual observers.
With the support from their diehard fans, Rangers are confident they are really set for something big this season.
This conjures up images of an industry filled with diehard fans and former players.
Times, Sunday Times
This is not the foolishly bold prediction of a diehard supporter, but the carefully weighed assessment of facts.
It became the home of the most diehard opposition to colonialism.
It's my strong suspicion that the people who are loving the kindle are already diehard readers; the kindle makes it possible to carry back-breaking loads of books in a way that doesn't.
Msagara: Confluence 2009 Schedule
This diehard adventure enthusiast carried out another jump - this time over the North Pole.
This conjures up images of an industry filled with diehard fans and former players.
Times, Sunday Times
Iraqi and U.S. forces in that pitched battle with the so-called diehard End of Days cult.
CNN Transcript Jan 29, 2007
A diehard football fan drove 730 miles last weekend to watch his two beloved teams.
Times, Sunday Times
General Ricardo Izurieta, the moderate army commander, is now being criticised for political naivety by diehard Pinochetistas.
I, on the other hand, marry a manly man born and raised in Texas that should be a diehard Cowboy fan and that's what I want, and I get a husband that would rather reroof the garage than stay inside and watch football.
1999-11-15 23:47:59
Twenty minutes of watching the diehard clubbers doing their frenzied thing on the floor and we're ready to leave.
It pleased me to see the diehard's still gaming the next day, at the same table as I had left them the night before.
His Zapa isn't a pure young man who becomes corrupted, nor is he a diehard crook who adores the effrontery of becoming a policeman.
As the graveyard slot suggests, this is strictly one for their diehard fans.
Times, Sunday Times
Some random 'diehard' claims that anyone criticising Wenger's decision to sign the turd should 'go and support Chelski or Citeh'.
TEAMtalk Football News
He may have to deal with a realignment of his own, especially if his party's move to formally dump its pro-independence platform upsets the minority of diehard chauvinists.
Fans are so diehard.
The Sun
The sport of skateboarding would ebb and flow in its mainstream popularity for years to come, but the devoted diehards have never looked back since the Z-Boys first took their boards airborne.
Nonetheless, this is a solid piece of work and will be very welcome to their diehard fans.
The Sun
Certain diehard leftists, on the other hand, insist that had he lived Orwell would have remained faithful to socialism, not to capitalist democracy.
The Pursuers of Orwell
The bottom line, I think, is that the music here is all of an incredibly high level, and even the most diehard fans of reggae and dub probably will find something new among the twenty tracks here.
Even if you aren't a diehard Bee Gees superfan, the film is a fine historical record of their music and the 1970s.
But a press backlash did get into gear, leaving a handful of diehard music writers to fight a bitter battle.
Nonetheless, this is a solid piece of work and will be very welcome to their diehard fans.
The Sun
Burns was as much of a 'teuchter' as John Buchan's Gorbals Diehards!!!
Army Rumour Service
The video clip of his on-air collapse remains a cherished keepsake of diehard skeptics.
Their catalog is exceedingly effects-laden, perhaps too experimental for pop purists, but much too tuneful for diehard psychedelic torch-bearers.
There are more than 600 lots on offer and the bidding by City's diehard supporters is expected to be frantic.
Then you hit the big time and for the past few years you've been performing to thousands of diehard fans at gigs all around the world.
The Sun
At a retail price of $32.99, the diehard Disney fanatic in your life will thrill to have this gem added their collection.
So, whether you're a diehard activist or a political newbie, The Times has a lot in store.
That's exactly how the slaveholding Confederates described the Civil War, and how diehard ‘southern patriots’ describe it today.
A diehard football fan drove 730 miles last weekend to watch his two beloved teams.
Times, Sunday Times
Fans are so diehard.
The Sun
As the graveyard slot suggests, this is strictly one for their diehard fans.
Times, Sunday Times
She divides them into five categories based on how much they care about the organization, ranging from "isolates" to "diehards.
Management Leaders Turn
Dorothy was a diehard lefty in life and I'm sure her estate will see to it that her wishes for the portrayal of her characters are observed.
Yes, I know, I'm a diehard conservative and was part of the majority that greased his way into the White House.
For the diehard balletomane, real-time broadcasts start at 10 a.m. in New York; one brave West Coast outlet, Phoenix Big Cinemas Dos Lagos Stadium 15 in Corona, outside San Diego schedules a show in real time, at 7 a.m..
Debra Levine: David Hallberg, Matinee Idol, in Bolshoi Ballet "Sleeping Beauty" Simulcast This Weekend
Their versification is traditional, though impudent rhymes and elusive caesuras shocked diehards.
This is not the foolishly bold prediction of a diehard supporter, but the carefully weighed assessment of facts.
This conjures up images of an industry filled with diehard fans and former players.
Times, Sunday Times
They offered to back a shake-up of the education system which is opposed by up to 50 diehard lefties.
The Sun
Tour promoters typically hand over a portion of the tickets to the artists to sell directly to diehard fans before they go on general sale.
Times, Sunday Times
Since Lennox isn't known as a diehard lefty, there must be some other reason for her plaintive pleading, leading Kirchick to rub his baby chin and muse, "So one wonders what prompts her currnet, passionate antipathy towards Israel.
At the Corner of Hollywood and Whine: James Wolcott
He's a diehard loyalist and a campaigner known for his inimitable style.
The video clip of his on-air collapse remains a cherished keepsake of diehard skeptics.
He then went on to introduce ` Garageland ', the first time it had been aired during the residency, admitting it was likely only "diehard" fans would know the track.
ContactMusic Ltd | Latest News
This is watchable telly but one for diehard football fans only.
Times, Sunday Times
But a press backlash did get into gear, leaving a handful of diehard music writers to fight a bitter battle.
A diehard businesswoman, it took her two decades to embrace this lifestyle.
Then there are those diehard cigarette smokers who blame health - obsessed Americans for starting this trend.
Only diehard fans won't learn something.
Times, Sunday Times
Diehard optimists, like Mr Pynzenyk, say that hyperinflation and economic collapse will eventually force the country to its senses.
Diehard (the band) sling out great, buzzy songs, and couple them with the kind of winsome lyrics that lend credence to the idea that everything's going to be all right.
But a few diehard fans are willing to miss out on worship to watch a game.
Christianity Today
An array of characters came out of the woodwork, from diehard heads and tech dogs kickflipping halfway up the volcano to oldsters riding boards of late '80s vintage and little Polish kids pushing around.
This is mostly due to the almost universal lowering of expectations among diehard fans and casual observers.
They have no chairman, no money and only a few hundred diehard supporters who turn up more in hope than expectation.
He is not a diehard football fan.
Times, Sunday Times
Kicking and screaming I might add as I have been an IE diehard from the very beginning of time.
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Gava said many owners of the affected farms have "cooperated" and accepted the situation as it is and only a few "diehards" had tried to resist and retaliate.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Many feel the capture of their leader will provoke diehard terrorists into wreaking ever more horrific reprisals.
Verdict Pair with a good amp and speakers to win over any digital diehard.
Times, Sunday Times
For diehard fans the whole series is being digitally remastered on four new DVD releases too.
The Sun
Even the most diehard sceptic might concede a pattern here.