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How To Use Dickie In A Sentence

  • But underneath it all, Dickie is a pussycat, a real nice fellow, who passed some of the same human qualities on to his son.
  • Dickie Best has lived in the same modest terraced house on the same working-class estate for the past 50 years.
  • BrewDog’s Jim Watt and Martin Dickie, with the world’s strongest beer. World’s Strongest Beer Heads to the U.S. | Impact Lab
  • And that's just why we must do everything we possibly can to prove that Dickie is the rightful heir, so that whether he has the title or I have it you and I may never have to reproach ourselves for having left a single stone unturned to give him his rights – whatever they are. Harding's Luck
  • He was a six-foot-five ex-Marine (though in Dickie's mind there was no such thing as an ex-Marine) with a booming voice. Dickie Lee Fox, R. I. P.
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  • Next stop, hopefully, the light flyweight title held by Dickie Camacho.
  • The dominie was a rare visitor at the club after that, though he outlived poor Mr. Dickie by many years. Auld Licht Idylls
  • Also awarded an OBE is the Barnsley-born umpire Dickie Bird. US Open champion Rory McIlroy awarded MBE in New Year honours list
  • Dickie was sent away to school as soon as he was old enough to board.
  • Then as Whitley remained silent, he continued: "This here's th 'house whar' Dickie Falkner war 'borned; an' whar 'his mammy died; an' -- an ' That Printer of Udell's
  • Mark was never one to care about his image too badly, his moppy hair, loose t-shirt, and black Dickies hung on his body as proof.
  • Arriving in the center of the fishing area, Dickie Lang watched the men "chumming" the fish and suggested they throw out their lines at once. El Diablo
  • Dickie was dressed in a Day-Glo orange vest, jeans and running shoes.
  • Dickie is in the hands of those who will keep him from you for many a day unless you yourself go, alone, and rescue him. Harding's Luck
  • That sounds dickier every time I hear it (I'm saying it out loud). Ron Paul Says Obama Shouldn't Be Condemned Over Flag-Pin Flap
  • That glimpse he had had of Capri with Dickie had only whetted his appetite.
  • In the anteroom, little knots of people emit a cacophony of twangs and twiddles while, in the adjacent baronial hall, by a framed portrait of our hero, Dickie Speake's band is limbering up.
  • The ad is illustrated with a picture of a gang of bright young things tearing up that dull routine at a musical soirée - gents in dickies raising their glasses in salute, ladies in Edwardian bows draping themselves around the keyboard.
  • She is joined by soprano Anny Felbermayer, baritones Josef Metternich and Harald Pröglhöpf, tenor Murray Dickie, and bass Walter Berry.
  • Neddickies, sunbirds, sugar birds, starlings, bokmakieries, Cape robins, bulbuls and several other species are indigenous to this area, and provide excellent birdwatching opportunities.
  • While young Frank Pierson revered Tom Ripley and wanted, in some sense, to become him or at least win his approval, David Pritchard arbitrarily, impulsively decides to make Tom's life a living hell, to harass him with phone calls ostensibly from Dickie Greenleaf (who has been "found and resuscitated"), and, finally, to stalk his every move. This Woman Is Dangerous
  • She had heard vague rumors of a pet of theirs called Dickie, but had never been interested enough even to inquire about him. Betty Vivian A Story of Haddo Court School
  • This was in '66, during a day off from filming my supposed comeback picture, Fox's disastrous megaflop Doctor Dolittle, with Dickie Attenborough and Rex. 'Me Cheeta: My Life in Hollywood'
  • Mr Dickie is one of a growing band of marketing consultants, advising farming companies on risk management.
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman blows them all away with a scene-stealing black comic turn as Dickie's awful preppie buddy.
  • As Dickie found to his dismay, the internet has changed all that.
  • She took a pipkin from the hearth, where a small fire burned, though it was summer weather, as Dickie could see by the green tree-tops that swayed and moved outside in the sun, poured some gruel out of it into a silver basin. Harding's Luck
  • Dickie's supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles were frying in napalm, and his brachioradialis tendons seemed ready to pop. Villa Incognito
  • Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.
  • Handsome young Dickie Attenbrough plays a claustrophobic stoker. My God, It's Full Of Tweets!
  • When Dickie was given the watch, the presented the assistant with the cloth bag.
  • What for?" asked the voice, which Dickie now perceived came from a gentleman in rumpled hair and a very loose pink flannel suit, with cordy things on it such as soldiers have. Harding's Luck
  • All through that day of wonder, which included real roses that you could pick and smell, and real gooseberries that you could gather and eat, as well as picture-books, a clockwork bear, a musical box, and a doll's house almost as big as a small villa, an idea kept on hammering at the other side of a locked door in Dickie's mind, and when he was in bed it got the door open and came out and looked at him. Harding's Luck
  • I believe Dickie is Lord Arden," Elfrida began, and I am not at all sure that she would not have gone on to give her reasons, including the whole story which the Mouldiestwarp had told to Dickie; but at that moment there was a roaring, rushing sound from inside the cave, and a flash of shiny silver gleamed across that dark gap in the hillside. Harding's Luck
  • Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.
  • Margaret and Dickie were in the garden playing badminton when Mr Remington-Hart rang up and asked to speak to my aunt.
  • Only Dickie was too numb to recognise the form her confession of love had taken; love, as always, was clamouring to be clearly seen -- naked, if need be, blood-guilty, if need be -- but _seen_ ... and then swept up, sin and all, by another love big enough to accept this truth, also, as essentially part of her. The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • Without missing a beat, the taller man handed Dickie a beer (apparently it was not too early to drink), and began challenging his opponent to distinguish between the genuine ascetic and what he termed the conspicuously nonconsuming -poverty snob. Villa Incognito
  • If you want a site that slaps people in the face when they come looking for help with deeply personal problems, you should probably hang out at a dickier site. MetaFilter Projects
  • The shop was owned by a very hip middle-aged woman named Edith Frucci, who everyone affectionately called Dickie. Me, The Mob, And The Music
  • There's Lenny 'Apples' Appleton, 'Mad' Dickie Barrett and Micky 'Silver' Darrell, named because he looks like a silverback gorilla," chuckles Brian Holmes, a veteran who has carted fish for the merchants here in east London for 21 years. How the fish market porters moved Ed Miliband in his search to rekindle Labour's flame
  • In the audience: the dashing Prince Rupert in a pink lutestring coat with silver lace, seen tête-à-tête avec clever Dickie Rider, the master builder of the theatre. Exit the Actress
  • You are truly the dickiest of dicky Repubmccaines. Top Dem Party Officials Send Sharply-Worded Email Demanding That Hillary Donors And Supporters Get Behind Obama
  • And the wall was hung with pictures done in needlework – tapestry, in fact, though Dickie did not know that this was its name. Harding's Luck
  • All his comedy muckers are in the book, along with others, almost forgotten, such as Charlie Drake, Dickie Henderson, Alfred Marks and Norman Vaughan.
  • How come you never see men wearing dickies any more?
  • The guitar Dickie had bought at one of those nighttime open-air markets where twenty-dollar "Rolex" watches and ten-dollar "Gucci" loafers were sold, and to the untrained eye, it looked exactly like a dandy Martin D-28, right down to the herringbone purfling. Villa Incognito
  • Old white men wielding Martinis and wearing dickies have occupied our nation's capital.
  • Dickie Bird could be a most irritating fussbudget.

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