How To Use Diagrammatically In A Sentence
The relationship amongst these diseases affecting the hepatic vessels is depicted diagrammatically.
The comparison mortgage rate cushing longan clemenceau to pushball uranus diagrammatically you so that it can shagbark them if brachiate for an convocation.
Rational Review
The landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat - filled basin.
The two staggered drivers sit in their cars for a moment or two, eyeing each other like diagrammatically fated pawns.
Always Crashing Into Myriem Roussel
The graphics were dynamic in the sense that one could SEE what they were linke to and linked from, and could see diagrammatically where things, again, were linked could group links, show subsets of linkages....
Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it

The overall effect at the present level of exhumation is shown diagrammatically in Figure 2c. Along many of the major faults, older rocks at late diagenetic grade are downthrown against younger rocks at higher grades.
While not all of the cartoons have survived, the remaining ones are bold compositions of subtle and varied formal structure, each probably capable of being diagrammatically deconstructed to show awe-inspiring complexity.
Woven into the Fabric of the Church
The loci of the known epitopes of the antibodies used are shown diagrammatically in Fig.1.
The sex chromosomes, together with the homologous no.7 chromosomes of the West Japan and Kanto forms, are diagrammatically shown.
And thus at forty-two, he began to learn the reel; a study, to which he brought his usual smiling earnestness; and the steps, diagrammatically represented by his own hand, are before me as I write.
Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
You know I still think David Warlick gives one of the best examples of the concept of a 'flat classroom', and he included this in the recent K12 online conference keynote when he diagrammatically showed a bell-shaped curve where students were in the lower parts and teachers and 'knowledge' were on the top of the bell.
Archive 2007-10-01
The comparison mortgage rate cushing longan clemenceau to pushball uranus diagrammatically you so that it can shagbark them if brachiate for an convocation.
Rational Review
These lines are usually represented diagrammatically as converging on the point to form an acute angle.
His initial explorations were narrative, but in 1993 he made the discovery that some kinds of information are best expressed diagrammatically.
In Genetopia for instance, during my research I found a site that diagrammatically showed DNA code on a bar.
Archive 2007-02-01
These hypotheses and their interconnectedness are shown diagrammatically on the opposite page.
the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin
Figure 1: The figure represents diagrammatically the key factors, as described in the literature review, which influence the reading development of English and Greek bilingual and monolingual children.
Reading Development in Two Different Contexts:the Case of the English-greek Bilingual Children in UK and in Cyprus « Articles « Literacy News