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devil's advocate

  1. someone who takes the worse side just for the sake of argument

How To Use devil's advocate In A Sentence

  • He seemed very sure of his arguments but I the devil's advocate just to confuse him.
  • He is just playing the devil's advocate with me.
  • I don't really believe all that - I was just playing devil's advocate.
  • Thinking for yourself, playing the devil's advocate and asking questions were not encouraged.
  • With the next student, Bobby started play-acting devil's advocate, firing questions and posing hypothetical situations to him.
  • The author was playing the devil's advocate to stir up argument.
  • He would play devil's advocate with anyone.
  • It was an irony not unregarded by the devil's advocates charged with disproving Joan's qualifications for sanctity.
  • BROWN: But to Lars 'point, to Lar's point, Gloria, let's play devil's advocate, why are we demonizing all lobbyists? CNN Transcript Jul 28, 2008
  • And of course it's easy to play devil's advocate, because gossip about certain types of TV personalties -- certainly the local news anchors in a market like mine, Philadelphia -- is standard newspaper fare, especially when the personalities are good-looking, as Logan surely is. Hullabaloo
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