How To Use Detente In A Sentence
This cultural detente is the latest move in a warming trend exemplified by the successful joint hosting of the 2002 soccer World Cup.
While he concludes with a proposal for detente, his own account shows that these disputes are likely to be as intractable as they are longstanding.
And the process by which federalism emerges here does not seem nearly as important as the power dynamic that results: Once the protection agencies have arrived at a mechanism for detente or dispute resolution or whatever we care to call it, why should we not expect this same mechanism to serve to permit them to exercise monopoly power as a cartel, whether or not the agencies remain nominally distinct?
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The detente coincided with the magnificent spring offensive possiblY the military high point of the national liberation struggle.
They are nostalgic for the good old days of detente - superpower summits, arms control, and discussions about balancing American and Russian power in regional conflicts.

We can't possibly believe the myth of " detente " now.
Dog/cat detente is still on the level of demilitarized zones, alas.
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After that Ostpolitik became fully integrated into the general process of superpower détente and East-West disarmament negotiations which had slowly begun in the course of 1970.
While we remained on the defensive or engaged in detente with the communists during the Cold War, the enemy continued to war against us indefinitely.
During this time, some of the religions competed (and combated) with each other to win followers, but at some point it seems a detente of sorts was achieved, creating a relatively steady state.
During the detente era, the Soviets were careful not to give the West too much propaganda ammunition.
Will it survive their inevitable passing from the scene, or must it fade like the 30s detente between Ataturk and Venizelos?
On April 8, the feud over the May family name steered toward détente when the May family's attorney, Mark Lebow of Sokolow, Carreras and Associates, distributed settlement documents to all parties involved.
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She was going no matter what he said, but they had achieved détente and she would prefer to maintain it.
The only difference was that now, in line with the policy of detente, in place of one German nation there were two: one socialist and one capitalist.
INSTEAD of slipping into war, could America and Iran negotiate a detente in the Middle East?
The chief architects of the superpower detente were President Richard Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger.
Throughout the Cold War, there were a mix of policies that liberals supported: containment, detente, non-proliferation, and arms control.
But recent developments have envenomed things to the point that Arab diplomats troop daily into the State Department to warn that the U.S. quest for détente with Tehran is dangerous.
Archive 2009-05-01
For the neo-conservatives, Henry Kissinger's policy of arms control and detente with the Soviet Union smacked of appeasement.
Humanity has yet to evolve to a level of civility where arms are not required to achieve detente.
A brief detente and the hope for a lasting peace have given way to acrimony yet again.
He said that people on earth are three segments as far as Islam is concerned: The first segment are those who are the community of Islam who are members of it; the second segment are those who are peaceful and in detente with Muslims, for dhimmah or truce or protection vow, and the blood of the two groups [of this segment], is protected unless one of them does something that makes his blood spillable and his money available [for confiscation] according to jurisprudence...
Monday, October 31, 2005
Humanity has yet to evolve to a level of civility where arms are not required to achieve detente.
As fear of the Soviets receded in the 1970s, the United States and its NATO allies achieved a détente of their own.
Cuba will make every effort to preserve the atmosphere of détente and mutual respect that has prevailed in that area in the past few years.
The policy of détente was abandoned and, under the Reagan administration, an increasingly aggressive policy was pursued towards the Soviet Union.
The classic period of the first cold war runs from 1947 through the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, which finally inaugurated an era of detente.
Equally important, a peace settlement with Washington is needed to defuse the military standoff at the 38th parallel, where a conflict could explode at any time, bringing detente to a halt.
His proposal for détente is seen by my government as a sign that we can reach a broad international understanding.
Cuba will make every effort to preserve the atmosphere of détente and mutual respect that has prevailed in that area in the past few years.
During the detente era, the Soviets were careful not to give the West too much propaganda ammunition.
Each time the gun is fired, the tube must go into detente for cartridge ejection, and the power traverse of the turret is inoperable during ejection and reloading operations.
They won't send you to prison, and there's always détente ,' he said.
Despite the policy of détente, the antagonism with the Soviet Union was still the dominant factor in world politics.
We can't possibly believe the myth of " detente " now.
The description aptly described the new diplomacy of detente emerging from the 1972 super-power summit.
They are nostalgic for the good old days of détente - superpower summits, arms control, and discussions about balancing American and Russian power in regional conflicts.
So far Russia has been able to stymie further detente with Nato by delaying promised agreements on military co-operation and by threatening the arms control process.
Is this not another proof that the so - called detente is just empty talk?
Under a classical arch a solitary halberdier bears witness to the historic detente between north and south.
In 1972, detente allowed diplomatic relations and closer economic ties between East and West Germany.
It is certainly unlikely at the moment that geopolitical stability can be achieved by the formation of some new detente like the one that terrified us into peace during the Cold War.
By the early 1970s detente had become the policy of the day.
One would think that a leader who has brought about a historic detente with an arch-enemy would be cheered and feted by his people.
Through this offensive, originally carried out in secret, which it described as detente, the racist regime sought to isolate the ANC from independent
The policy of detente was scrapped and the objective was increasingly to roll back the Soviet Union.
During the Cold War there were periods of detente when arms control played a part in helping to enhance confidence between the adversaries.