- a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward
How To Use detent In A Sentence
- The police had a good defence to the claims in false imprisonment and unlawful detention. Times, Sunday Times
- The detention of at least two of the three lawyers in recent days appears to be linked to recent developments regarding the blind, self-taught legal activist Chen Guangcheng.
- The convention allows for lawful detention of children for the shortest possible period of time and as a matter of last resort.
- The shell-shocked stowaway was discovered running around the immigration detention centre at Manchester Airport after a flight from Jamaica.
- Little protest as to unlawful detention, the necessity of charges, et cetera. THE LAST RAVEN
- Français · Azerbaïdjan: Deux militants pour la jeunesse et blogueurs, frappés et placés en détention Global Voices in English » Azerbaijan: Youth activists and bloggers beaten and detained
- He also worked as a counselor at a juvenile correctional detention centre.
- Even though he had been sentenced to detention, the authorities did not have to send Joe to prison.
- The description aptly described the new diplomacy of detente emerging from the 1972 super-power summit.
- The resolution refers specifically to detention centres and humanitarian aid.