How To Use despondently In A Sentence
- I wandered despondently along, trailing my new sports bag through the dog-ends and sweet wrappers that littered the concrete of the playground.
- Oblivious to cues, devoid of gaydar, I shuffle through my days, despondently convinced that no one could possibly find me attractive.
- ‘The UFOs never landed,’ Asencio says despondently, as though those deep-space deadbeats were ever supposed to be reliable.
- Other resources were in short supply as well: in 1887 the journal of the National Museum in Rio reported despondently on the difficulties of obtaining Indian skulls for phrenological research.
- I find myself sat despondently at my desk, trying to come to terms with the fact that I actually have to work for living.
- The battle's on now, to a finish," muttered Fran despondently, "yet here I sit, and here I scrooch. Fran