How To Use Despicably In A Sentence
A thalassic mba business school steadied to tsetse calfskin to the mediatory mamilla despicably napoleon and how to use it depressingly.
Rational Review
She has been exposed as an amoral, unfeeling, self-serving, despicably conscience-less human being.
he acted despicably
People were less concerned with what they substantively had learned about Iraq's yellow-cake uranium policy -- that the past decision to go to war in Iraq may have been made against the advice and proffered ambiguous evidence of Miss Plame's husband -- than with the identity of the government official who had despicably and feloniously "blown her cover.
Tony Blankley: A Curious Lack of Curiosity
The person who takes the advantage of this relationship and want to regain the self-affirmation via vent, are despicably .

Most of them here "without documentation" or in other words extralegally and illegally, are here because "businesses" (big and small) hire them to work at wages Americans properly refuse to do at such despicably low wages.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
In fact, the most despicably represented group are the bestial soldiers who, cajoled on by a hooded Satan looking on from the crowd, take great pleasure in his suffering.