How To Use Desexualize In A Sentence
No faces or figures make it into the frame, presenting the sort of fragmentary view of the female body that in most any other context would constitute blatant objectification but here reads as a desexualized, intensely vulnerable collage of femininity.
The Nervous Breakdown
Why should that be if the author would rather "desexualize" people?
Propeller Most Popular Stories
Unlike John Henry, Uncle Remus was an old, docile, and desexualized African American man who told stories to children.
Women are portrayed as desexualized personae and seen through a sadomasochistic veil.
juvenilia" performs simultaneously to sexualize and desexualize the narrative of an authorial career.
Romantic Loves: A Response to _Historicizing Romantic Sexuality_

If she wears a power pantsuit, it's a 'desexualized uniform,' but if she shows a hint of cleavage -- as she famously did in 2007 -- it can ignite a media firestorm that eclipses her political platform.
Odelia Kaly: If The Clothes Fit
All of the examiner's findings can be conveyed to the patient during the examination and, at the same time, the physician can encourage and educate the patient about breast self-examination and desexualize the process.
In the discourse of nationalism the woman is the ‘motherland'. And as the mother figure she is desexualized, thus making her suitable for worship by her sons.
Much of early Australian cinema portrays women as pretty accompaniments who are fought over, rescued, or who are alternatively tough and desexualized.
I will set an example for women and girls, educate the public, dispel breastfeeding myths, desexualize the breast, and make the world a better place, all through the simple act of feeding my child.
He claims we allow our ‘culture’ to become desexualized by opting for roles as monogamous spouses and television decorators, which somehow lets society cast our sexuality as shameful and secret.
Interestingly, bared limbs were not necessarily as virtuous as bared breasts; over the centuries, the body has been sexualized and desexualized in many different ways.
Even Shiva, a god profoundly connected with sexuality and the phallus, is desexualized in a most bizarre way.
American actresses have desexualized themselves, confusing sterile athleticism with female power.
Sex and Writing: It's in the Details
The problematic move from looking to touching is exemplified in the Western art of the nude where, until comparatively recently, bodies were sanitized, desexualized, and idealized.
Women are portrayed as desexualized personae and seen through a sadomasochistic veil.
The estate authorized the creation of this slightly desexualized version in order to (a) make money and (b) promote awareness of sex ed etc.
Archive 2009-02-01
Black feminists have consistently drawn attention to European history's construction of black women as hypersexual, or as desexualized characters, there to serve the interests of white women and men.
We defensively sanitize and desexualize ourselves and our children in order to reassure ourselves and others that we are free of any desires even remotely connected to childhood sexuality.