How To Use Desecrated In A Sentence
It is depressing for teachers and pupils alike to see their working environment desecrated by the moronic minority.
Instead of being apotheosized, it must be desecrated.
The book was for many days snubbed, buffeted, browbeaten; and the care fully-woven tapestry was torn into shreds and trampled upon; and it seemed that the patiently sculptured shrine was overtured and despised and desecrated.
St. Elmo
She shouldn't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader.
And after the New World, would not the Old in its turn, be desecrated by the mad career of this remarkable automobilist?
The Master of the World

We have been annoyed at finding his lofty name desecrated to base uses.
Moon Lore
He said the people in the caravans had desecrated every area and they would just have to take strong action so that it would not happen again.
Wouldn't the Damarian's be ticked that she "desecrated" their temple?
HH Com 205 (201)
A distressed son is calling for greater security at a cemetery after three gravestones were desecrated by vandals.
It is depressing for teachers and pupils alike to see their working environment desecrated by the moronic minority.
While most of the graves are lovingly tended, many others are overgrown, unkempt, and desecrated.
And she, knowing that the shrine has been desecrated, is filled with righteous indignation, though generally as blind as he is to the true cause of what has occurred.
Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
A tombstone standing over a grave for over 100 years was desecrated and pieces of the headstone were scattered over the area.
They've ruined our economy, apparently seized our oil and desecrated our sacred sites and our museums.
A police spokesman said: ‘We are hoping that this offence will be detected and people will come forward with the name of the offender or offenders who have desecrated this grave.’
But to claim this blogger "desecrated" the photo is ridiculous.
Palin hits back at 'malicious' photo
I'm sure "desecrated", if s/he is a real person, never made a joke that could hurt someone else's feelings.
Body Parts, Cadavers and Rochester Ties, Oh My!
About 20 headstones were desecrated at the Church cemetery between Monday, February 2, and Friday, February 6.
The invading army desecrated this holy place when they camped here.
The mob entered the synagogue, desecrated the biggest house of worship and defiled the Scrolls of the Law.
Other new signs posted to describe scenery have been desecrated or struck down.
Vandals have desecrated graves at a cemetery described as having some of the finest funerary art in the North of England.
Were the images destroyed, desecrated or mutilated because they were potent or impotent?
I could not believe my eyes at seeing the American flag desecrated with symbols of the swastika.
She shouldn't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader.
That's the thing being "desecrated" by the implicit legal smear that's painted on gay couples by these unconstitutional laws of exclusion.
Anonymous call, a poison pen
Prince Charles today told of his ‘deep upset’ after vandals desecrated a Bradford war memorial which he had rededicated only months before.
On the eastern front in WW II enemy dead were disposed of without ceremony and enemy cemeteries desecrated.
In some anterior time, the burial mound had been desecrated, its jeweled contents taken away.
The Carrizoso plateau had been sacred ground, and it was unsupposable that it could ever be desecrated by the trampling hoofs and scissor noses of these woolly abominations.
Heart's Desire
She claimed that ‘sacred, hallowed turf’ had been violated and desecrated with no concern for those who lost friends and colleagues in a war in the defence of their country.
On either side of this desecrated apartment, stretched, to the right, the old lararium, stripped of its ancient images of ancestor and god; to the left, what had been the gynoecium (women's apartment).
Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 01
In April, over 40 graves were desecrated and headstone overturned.
A two-minute silence was held and each member of the congregation was invited to lay flowers on those graves desecrated by the yobs.
According to the head of the Greek Orthodox parish for Bethlehem, Father Speridon, the mass was a reconsecration since the church marking the spot where Jesus was born had been desecrated during the siege.
While most of the graves are lovingly tended, many others are overgrown, unkempt and desecrated.
He was sickened when, just months later, vandals desecrated the memorial, built to commemorate villagers who fought in the First World War.
There is nothing holy which is not desecrated, which is not degraded to a mean end among this people.
Uncollected Prose
She shouldn't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader.
Without exception, the children were incensed at the idea of Scottish battle sites being desecrated by building development.
I'm a light heavyweight, but this guy looked well over heavyweight and his tattoos made him look like a statue desecrated by graffiti.
Mindless vandals have desecrated the grave of a stillborn baby for the fourth time in less than five months.
many desecrated shrines and cemeteries
Desecrated by bombings and ravaged by war, Dubrovnik has been lovingly restored and is once again one of the most charming and delightful cities in Europe
Vandals desecrated a 17th century graveyard when they sprayed white and gold graffiti on two ancient gravestones.
Not just the desecrated bodies of the dead, but the shattered lives of those who knew and loved them are thrust into the merciless gaze of the public eye.
They dwelt with pathos upon those sacred rites desecrated by these "unsanctified" "young men" in their "miserable pamphlet.
The Emancipation of Massachusetts
The shrines of St. Cuthbert and the Venerable Bede were desecrated and further iconoclasm would take place during the reign of Edward VI.
The Last Divine Office
A tombstone standing over a grave for over 100 years was desecrated and pieces of the headstone were scattered over the area.
During the Atlanta campaign we were supplied by our regular commissaries with all sorts of patent compounds, such as desiccated vegetables, and concentrated milk, meat-biscuit, and sausages, but somehow the men preferred the simpler and more familiar forms of food, and usually styled these "desecrated vegetables and consecrated milk.
Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
Even its cemetery was desecrated, its 400 graves dug up.
And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was "desecrated
Archive 2007-06-01
Five months after a church was desecrated by vandals, defiant parishioners have rebuilt their place of worship.