How To Use dermatome In A Sentence
- The pain is associated with partial weakness in the muscles supplied by the involved nerve root and sensory loss in the appropriate dermatome.
- As was said before, I can almost disregard any physical exam that was clearly generated by "checking boxes" - do you really think I believe you did two point fine touch sensory discrimination across every dermatome in that 7 year old you saw for an ear infection? Bits
- For patients with PHN, we examined the contralateral dermatome. PLoS Medicine: New Articles
- We considered the test result positive when pain projecting into a dermatome was reproduced by raising the affected leg a second time extended at the knee PLoS Medicine: New Articles
- The cells of the segment become differentiated into three groups, which form respectively the cutis-plate or dermatome, the muscle-plate or myotome, and the sclerotome (Fig. 64). II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
- In the embryo dermatomes can be represented as horizontal stripes on the body surface.
- Another symptom may be referred pain in a related dermatome or myotome; for example diffused pain in the buttock or thigh.
- Association, report the increase in risk for stroke within a year of a shingles infection ranged from just over 30%, to more than 300%, depending on the stroke type or dermatome affected. - News
- Both belong to the territory of the common peroneal nerve (dermatome S1). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- The dermatomes do no more than represent the original relationship of the limb buds to the trunk at the earliest stage of development of the embryo.