- usually included in genus Cardamine; in some classifications considered a separate genus
How To Use Dentaria In A Sentence
- The toothwort (_dentaria laciniata_) is sometimes known as the pepper-root, and every school boy and girl living near the woods is familiar with the taste of its tubers and the appearance of its cross-shaped flowers. Some Spring Days in Iowa
- The native hosts of P. napi oleraceae and P. virginiensis are toothworts Cardamine concatenata [Dentaria laciniata] and Cardamine [Dentaria] diphylla.
- For example, club member Francy Cash recently discovered one of spring's early flowers, toothwort, or dentaria, abloom several paces off the trail. Weekend Mixtape
- He takes pleasure in the wild areas that seem secure for now, like the woodlot across the street where toothworts (Dentaria spp.), red baneberries and purple trilliums grow.