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[ UK /dˈɛmənstɹəbli/ ]
[ US /dɪˈmɑnstɹəbɫi/ ]
  1. in an obvious and provable manner
    his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong

How To Use demonstrably In A Sentence

  • There is so much to enjoy here that it is a pity that a good deal of the information imparted is demonstrably wrong. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Not only does this perpetuate a harmful vicious cycle which overrates the quality of Chinese food in Taiwan, it is woefully and demonstrably inaccurate. Archive 2006-11-01
  • And some nonnews programming, like talk radio hotheads, get demonstrably big listenerships. Articles
  • It is because the argument has been had and they have comprehensively lost it - because every one of their arguments is either bogus, mendacious or plain demonstrably wrong.
  • As for "slagging" you, if you can quote one thing I said which is demonstrably false, I will concede your point. Can of worms
  • And one of the key signs that much of today's left is actually, demonstrably illiberal, intolerant and reactionary, is the way in which this is now a common feature of leftist discourse.
  • There is so much to enjoy here that it is a pity that a good deal of the information imparted is demonstrably wrong. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This does not mean that they conduct their audits negligently or sacrifice their independence by condoning accounting treatments that are demonstrably wrong.
  • There was a time when such honours were reserved for people whose copybooks remained demonstrably unblotted. Times, Sunday Times
  • People — and I do actually mean “people” here, not viciously stupid animals like yourself — already know that that pathetically infantile piece of snivelling ideological tripe is demonstrably false. Think Progress » Deficit Peacock Evan Bayh Hits ‘Far Left-Wing Blogs’ For Criticizing Obama’s Spending Freeze As Too ‘Austere’
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