How To Use demonism In A Sentence
- Among the Founders, Jefferson, Madison, and Adams all shared a view of representation despite their profound differences on a wide range of issues (including religion -- Jefferson once called Christianity a species of "demonism" while Adams was a deeply religious man.) Howard Schweber: Representation: Jefferson versus Jackson
- English moralism lingered in general in a state of capricious wavering between the principle of happiness and the principle of spiritual perfection, between the principle of subjective eudemonism and the principle of objective spiritualism. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
- His treatment of demonism is written as an antidote to the outbreak of sorcery.
- At the same time, demonic possession increased dramatically, probably because demonism in general and witchcraft in particular were preoccupations of the age.
- Throughout history the tattoo bears the mark of paganism, demonism, Baal worship, shamanism, mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism and just about every other pagan belief known.
- The weakness in radical critiques of society and sex is that they fail to recognise that sex needs a ritual binding to control its demonism and secondly that society's repressions increase sexual pleasure.
- About the so-called "demonism" of this film….the people making this film wished to convey AUTHENTIC New Orleans aspects. Sound Off: Disney's Princess and the Frog - Your Thoughts? «
- Moreover, it may be thought that the primary moral principle of love of neighbor as oneself is another reason to doubt (despite appearances) the strategic role of eudemonism in his ethics. Aquinas' Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy
- Here, then, is in brief Aristotle's ethical theory of eudemonism; and in its main features it has been made the basis of the chief The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
- Weaver sees in this a species of the demonic, for demonism is ‘blind to everything except what it wants.’