How To Use Demagogy In A Sentence
Then further explain how none of our values are so noble as not to be easily twistable into demagogy, which is why he welcomes the rigorous questions into his exercise of leadership in this campaign.
Obama: "I Deeply Regret" Offending Anyone
Meanwhile, the CHP leader Deniz Baykal Saturday said there were no coup attempts, but coup demagogy which is exploited for political gain.
Hurriyet Dailynews
For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric.
Latin America
In recent weeks, the purposely inflammatory demagogy of PBS's newest host has included a description of John Edwards as "specializing in Jacuzzi cases," owing to the lawyer's successful representation of a small child who saw her intestines sucked out inside a wading pool.
August 2004
The very instability of this mass makes it responsive to the action of any demagogue, or of that very special version of Latin American demagogy: military dictators ” and exdictators [i.e.,
Carnival in Caracas
In contrast to some of my other professors, he never takes advantage of the podium to engage in demagogy or any sort of language that reveals his opinions.
Obama judicial nominee faces tough Senate scrutiny
It also serves to mobilise despairing layers of society for a right-wing programme and garner support for the government with populist demagogy.
For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric.
Latin America
Unfortunately, according to the present dogma health care is not a matter of health, merely a matter of political demagogy and media sensationalism.
It rests on aggressive xenophobia, chauvinism, fanatical imperial ambitions and fascist demagogy.
In a television address yesterday, Mr. Putin railed against opponents '"demagogy," urging voters not to assume that Russia's revival will continue "automatically.
On the Ballot in Russia: Putinism
The U.S. government sought support for that additional war through top-level demagogy about the potential "mushroom cloud," and by claims of biological agents allegedly secreted in mobile trailers.
9/11: Did the U.S. Overreact?
This is a climate in which right-wing and nationalist demagogy flourishes.
Mr. Putin, for example, said in a speech in April: "The country needs a decade of stable, calm development, without going to extremes one way or the other, without ill-conceived experiments, confusion over sometimes unjustified liberalism or social demagogy.
Sparring Partners
The GOP are planning their own defeat and if they think the demagogy they are doing will work they should wait and see.
Tea Party Express rallies against 'big government'
Mr Fillon dismissed the union demands that the government add measures to its 26 billion euro (£23.5 billion) recovery plan to boost consumer spending as "demagogy".
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